Autumn 1- Week 4

Stars of the Week: Ava and Jacob W

It has been wonderful to be back in school this week. We have been busy!

In English we have been learning our new class text, The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We acted out the story and can now retell it off by heart. We wrote character descriptions of the tiger using lots of interesting adjectives. Keep an eye out for our posters on display next week.

This week in PE we had our first gymnastics lesson which was based on The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We used different steps to represent the three different sized goats. We also had to hold balances and make our bodies into narrow, wide, straight and tuck shapes. Have a look at us balancing! We performed for each other noticing what other children were doing well.

Next week we will be writing our own versions of The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We will be thinking of other animals who might pay us a visit!

Autumn 1- Week 1

Stars of the Week: Charlotte and Cruz

Well done Class 1 for a wonderful first week in Year 1! I have been so impressed with how the children have come back after the summer and their fantastic attitude to learning. We are ready for an exciting and busy year ahead!

It has been lovely seeing the children exploring their new classroom. We have been busy in our outside area in the sand and water trays and there has been lots of hula hooping happening!

Earlier in the week we read the book Teddy’s Birthday and have been working hard to design birthday cards and party invitations for Teddy. We have been working hard to use our phonics in our writing to sound out words, as well as remembering to use finger spaces between words.

In Maths we have been sorting objects into different groups as well as practising counting to ten using counters on our ten frame.

We learnt about Saints in RE and talked about the qualities that they have and how we can learn from them. Class 1 had some fantastic ideas about how we can use these in our school such as being generous, looking after each other and sharing our ideas.

I’m looking forward to seeing what marvellous learning we get up to next week!

Spring 2, Week 4- Collective Worship

Stars of the week: Gabrielle and Joshua

This week we have been focusing on doubling, grouping and sharing in Maths. Gabrielle and Joshua worked hard to solve a word problem about a magic plant that doubled each day for a week. They worked systematically, showed their working and could explain their answers. Well done!

Class 1 worked hard last week to learn their lines for our Collective Worship on Tuesday. They did a brilliant job!