Summer 1 Week 6- History Day

Stars of the week: Adeel and Lenni

Class 1 had a great time celebrating History Day! Children came to school dressed in some brilliant costumes, we had Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth, chimney sweepers, maids and many more creative outfits! Children have really enjoyed their history topic on The Victorians this half term and we have had many lessons comparing Victorian life to how we live now.

Summer 1 Week 5

Stars of the week: Jayvaughn and Theo

This week in Science, Class 1 were looking at wild and garden plants! We spoke about what these mean and where we might find these plants. We then went on a plant hunt around the playground and in the peace garden and found lots of different plants growing around our school.

Summer 1 Week 4

Stars of the week: Nathan A and Astrid

Class 1 have been working hard with their phonics over the last few weeks. At the end of our Computing lesson, children practiced their knowledge of ‘real’ and ‘alien’ words using the website Phonics Bloom, you all did an excellent job, well done!

Phonics Screening Check

The Phonics Screening Check for all pupils in Class 1 will take place over two weeks. The dates will be from 6th – 17th June, which are the first two weeks back after May half term. Not all children will complete the test on the same day and it will be administered 1 to 1  with the class teacher in a separate room. Please click the image below for more information, this sheet will also be handed out on Monday.

Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions about this.


Summer 1 Week 3

Stars of the Week: Ben and Jasper

This half term, Class 1 have started looking at plants in Science. This week, we thought about the different important parts of a plant and the different functions they have. We have also been looking at the names of lots of common plans and flowers.

Charles Dickens Museum!

Class 1 had a brilliant trip to the Charles Dickens Museum today! They learnt about the life of Charles Dickens and his family, got to look at interesting artefacts from the Victorian period and even got to try on pieces of clothing! This trip really helped with our history unit on The Victorians and we tried to capture as much as possible.

Summer 1 Week 2

Stars of the Week: Isabelle and Reggie 


In computing this week, Class 1 made some posters about staying safe online. We spoke about information we should never give out online and making sure we tell an adult if something doesn’t seem right online. Class 1 have had a great week this week and we are looking forward to our trip to the Charles Dickens Museum today!