Autumn 2 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: Lucia and Marley

This week, Class 1 have started looking at shapes in maths. We began by making our own shapes with pencils and pens on our tables. We can now easily make triangles, squares and rectangles. We also spoke about the difference between a square and a rectangle. A square’s sides are all the same length whereas a rectangle’s sides have two pairs of equal length. (We even got to draw pictures using different shapes on our whiteboards!)

In computing, we continued our topic on digital media. We made some pictures based on Wassily Kandinsky’s pictures that we made in art earlier in the year. Everyone tried to make it as easy as possible to make them, using the rubber or undo depending on what mistake we made

Autumn 2 – Week 3

Stars of the Week: Jenaya and Jabez

This week, Class 1 compared different materials that we could use to make our own lunch boxes in DT. We decided that although wood is a strong material, it would be too heavy to carry around. We settled on cardboard as it is light, but it is strong as well! Some children thought it would be good to put plastic around the cardboard so that it is waterproof as well.

In English, we have learned all about split digraphs. The found out that we already know the sounds, we’ve just changed how we write them.

In maths, we have been writing subtraction number sentences and have found the answer without using counters or cubes! We are able to think about the answer using pictures we have drawn or using our fingers.

Autumn 2 – Week 2

Stars of the Week: Leo L and Alma

This week, we had Colonel Hathi’s marching band in the class! (They looked suspiciously like the Year 1 class.) Everyone had a go to march along to a song and play an instrument. Year 1 worked very hard to not only march to the beat, but they played a percussion instrument as well. It was a very noisy experience for everyone!

In phonics this week, Year 1 have looked at different graphemes to make sounds that we already know. We learned ‘a’ as /ai/, ‘e’ as /ee/, ‘i’ as /igh/ and ‘o’ as /oa/. It is very confusing, but Year 1 have made sure they know all of these sounds. Well done Year 1!

Autumn 2 – Week 1

Stars of the Week: Irene and Arthur

This week, Class 1 started their DT topic of lunch boxes. We watched a video and discovered that Paddington actually keeps his sandwiches in his hat! We looked at why this might be a good thing and why it might be a bad thing. We will use these ideas in the coming weeks to help us make our own lunchboxes. Have a look at what some children wrote.

In Music, we started Colonel Hathi’s march from The Jungle Book. We listened to the song and marched to the beat. We then counted up to 4 for each bar of the song to help us get into the rhythm. Here is the song if you want to practise at home:

Autumn 1 – Week 7

Stars of the Week: Leo H and Mia

This week, Class 1 have mastered logging onto the laptops and using the keyboard. They all were able to turn on the laptops and open up an application. They then typed in their names, using theĀ caps lock button to make the first letter capital.

In science, Class 1 sorted animals into groups based on what they ate. They learned that a carnivore is an animal that eats meat, a herbivore is an animal that eat plants and an omnivore is an animal that eats both. We even considered which category humans fit into!

Autumn 1 – Week 6

Stars of the Week: Zane and Joyce

This week, Class 1 have worked very hard in maths. Their focus has been on addition and they learned how to write number sentences. They also mastered writing one digit per square in their maths books. Well done for all your hard work this week, Class 1!

In English, Class 1 finished The Tiger Who Came To Tea. They wrote their own reviews about the story and are going to write a blurb for their own versions in our next lesson.

Have a look at some of our displays.

Autumn 1 – Week 5

Stars of the Week: Romeo and Tireni

This week, Class 1 have learned about lots of fun things. In Science, they went on a senses walk to see what they could see, hear, feel, smell and even taste (although they just tasted the rain.) They went through the Peace Garden and came up with different things they could sense, which they then wrote into their books.

In Computing, Year 1 have practiced turning the laptops on, logging in and then logging off. They have worked very hard to type in everything before the laptop times out!