Sp2Wk2 Homework

Weekly Spellings – words with double consonants

Below are the spellings for this week’s Spelling Test in Class 2. The theme for this week’s spellings is: words with double consonants.

Words with double consonants

  1. really
  2. silly
  3. apple
  4. dinner
  5. messy
  6. funny
  7. little
  8. Summer (it has a capital letter because it’s a name of a season)
  9. coffee
  10. comma

Extension Challenge

  1. skipping
  2. hissing
  3. running
  4. popping
  5. wrapping
  6. flapping

Additional writing challenge – write these words in a command (a command is an instruction)

Wash the apple before you eat it.


Arithmetic – Doubling and Halving numbers to 20

Below is an outline of how to develop doubling and halving skills:


  1. Write all the numbers from 1 – 10 in order.
  2. Underneath these numbers, write what double that number is.

Extension Challenge

  1. Write the numbers from 1 – 5 in order.
  2. Next to these numbers, write what 10 x the number is, e.g. 1 – 10, 2 – 20, etc
  3. Underneath each number, write what double that number is, e.g. double 1 is 2 so double 10 is 20. 


  1. Count up in 2s from 0 – 20, e.g. 0, 2, 4, etc
  2. Underneath these numbers, write what half that number is (look at your doubling pattern for help).

Extension Challenge

  1. Count up in 2s from 0 – 10, e.g. 0, 2, 4, etc
  2. Write the numbers from 2 – 10 in order.
  3. Next to these numbers, write what 10 x the number is, e.g. 2 – 20, 4 – 40 etc
  4. Underneath each number, write what half that number is, e.g. halve of 2 is 1 so halve of 20 is 10.

The tests will be on Friday 4th March.

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