Summer 2 – Week 7

Stars of the week: Laura and LJ

We have been doing mapping in Geography this half-term. We did a local walk, mapped our journey and answered questions about what we could see.

We had a visit from the London Fire Brigade where we learnt all about what they do, their equipment and what to do in a fire. It was a very inspiring workshop and we feel safer because of it.

There are no spellings this week.


Summer 2 – Week 6

Stars of the Week: Annabella and Micah

Last Friday, Year 2 made guacomole! They had to demonstrate excellent cutting, mashing, stirring and sharing skills. Well done for making some super yummy dips! If you want to know how to make this tasty dip then ask one of the Year 2s for the recipe!

We also went to Pizza Express and had a super timer making our own pizzas!

Summer 2 – Week 5 History Day

Stars of the Week: Raina and Henry

Year 2 had a fantastic time celebrating History Day! Thank you Mr Moore for organising such a fun day! In Year 2 we experienced what it was like to be a Victorian child at school, and in the afternoon looked at some jobs that children were expected to do.

Spellings for test on Friday 5th July

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October


Summer 2 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: Orpheus and Sienna

This half term in DT, we are learning all about dips. We had great fun trying out a range of dips and dippers! We then rated them based on our preference. We are looking forward to making our own dips in school later on today!

Spellings for test on Friday 28th June

* night
* knight
* hole
* whole
* blue
* blew
* because
* so
* or
* that

Summer 2 – Week 3

Stars of the week: Thomas and Grace

In PE so far this half term we have been practicing for Sports Day. We have been perfecting our skills in throwing, running and teamwork. Our speed, agility and precision has really improved. We look forward to seeing you there on Tuesday 25th June. Bring your best cheering voices and banners!


We have been learning about statistics this week in maths. Class 2 did their own surveys and asked Year 1 and each other questions to get data. They used tallies to record the data and made bar charts to display the data. Excellent statistic skills Class 2!

Spellings to learn:






Summer 2 – Week 2

Stars of the week: Ella and Amelia

In Maths we have been learning about different measurements. We used balancing scales to compare different mass and tried to find objects that made up specific mass. We have been working hard to read scales and have been using our 2, 5 and 10 times tables to help us.

In Science, we have been continuing to look at plants. On Wednesday we went to Redcross Gardens and using our rulers, we measured the size of plants, and used magnifying glasses to observe them in extra detail. Super Scientific Skills Year 2!

We also really enjoyed celebrating PSHE Day last Friday. We drew self-portraits which Miss McNamara is going to put up in her room. Excellent work year 2!

Spellings for test on Friday 21st June












Summer 2 – Week 1

Stars of the Week: Jonah and Yousef

Last half term we made African masks out of clay. We then painted them using bright colours. Great job Year 2!

Spellings for test on Friday 7th June

* any
* many
* clothes
* water
* pretty
* Christmas
* beautiful
* busy
* poor
* kind

Summer 1 – Week 6

Stars of the week: Soraya and Christine

Class 2 have been working really hard on their African art this half-term. We have created sunset silhouettes, woven patterned designs and clay masks. We cannot wait to share some of this with you for our collective worship next term.

We have been learning about time in maths. Please keep practising reading the time at home – using an analogue and digital clock. You can use this clock resource online:

Spellings (common exception words):
