Su1Wk5 Homework

Weekly Spellings – f sound th spelling

Below are the spellings for this week’s Spelling Test in Class 2. The theme for this week’s spellings is –f sound th spelling.

F sound – th spelling

  1. clothes
  2. think
  3. thank
  4. bath
  5. thumb
  6. thick
  7. three
  8. throat
  9. thought
  10. fifth

Extension Challenge

  1. thunder
  2. through
  3. threw
  4. theft
  5. thief
  6. tenth

Additional writing challenge

Write the spellings in joined-up handwriting.

Additional writing challenge – write these words in exclamations (if possible)

In Year 2 exclamations take the form of What or How statements. What a mistake! or How noisy!)

More SPaG resources are available on the Class 2 blog.

How sore is my thumb!                

What an amazing thought that is!=

Arithmetic – ordering weights and measures

Below is an outline of how to develop skills in ordering weights and measures

  1. Use a ruler to accurately measure, in cms, five different objects around your home.
  2. Put the objects in order from smallest to longest and then from longest to smallest.
  3. Find five different containers in your home that contain liquid. Read the label to find out much liquid they contain.
  4. Put the containers in order from the least amount of liquid to the most.
  5. Find five different tins/jars/boxes in your home that have a weight. Read the label to find out how heavy they are.
  6. Put the containers in order from the lightest to the heaviest.
  7. Look at the weighing scales in your home. Put objects on the scales and read their weight.

The tests will be on Friday 13th May.

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