The Lord’s Prayer

Stars of the Week: Joshua and Marwah

In RE this term, Class 2 is learning about the Lord’s Prayer. This week, we thought about the meaning of ‘daily bread’ and discussed all of the things people need to live well. Joshua and Marwah worked particularly hard on acrostic poems that show they know the meaning of the phrase ‘daily bread’.
Very thoughtful work, well done!

Here are their poems:
Thank you for
Blessings that are good.
Reading books that can be read.
Eating food for our health.
Air for us to breathe.
Delicious food for us to eat.
by Joshua

Thank you for
Bread for eating.
Rest to keep us healthy.
Eating food so we don’t starve.
Able to learn.
Deciding to do good choices.
by Marwah

If you’d like to write your own poem on the theme of ‘daily bread’ please post it in the comments section!

Happy New Year!

Stars of the Week: Anashe and Sapphire

Well done to Anashe and Sapphire who have returned to school ready to face new challenges in their learning and eager to try their best. Keep up the super attitude!

Writing Letters

Stars of the Week: Daniel and Olivia

This week, after watching the Nativity plays by Year 5 and Nursery and Reception, Class 2 wrote letters to show how much they enjoyed the performances. The letters were really excellent, using exciting vocabulary, questions and exclamations. Several children then went to read their letters to the classes they had written to and have their questions answered.

Well done!

Explorers Quiz

This term in geography and history, Class 2 have been learning about mapping the world and famous explorers. As a class, we used our new knowledge to create a quiz. Test yourself here to see how much you know about world geography famous explorers throughout history!

History – Great Explorers

Stars of the Week: Ethan and Mariama

This term in history, we have been learning about great explorers and comparing their achievements. Mariama and Ethan both thought carefully about what they knew about two of the explorers we have studied and thought about what makes them significant.

We compared Ibn Battuta, who travelled over seventy-five thousand miles through Asia and Africa in the 14th Century, and Neil Armstrong, who was the first man on the moon in 1969. They both achieved extraordinary things in very different times and places.

Spanish Day!

Stars of the Week: Diane and Isabella

Class 2 had a fantastic time on Spanish Day, learning how to greet each other and count in Spanish. We also looked at the work of the artist Joan Miro and copied his style to create our own paintings.

Well done to Diane for excellent effort throughout Spanish Day. Well done to Isabella for helping the class with Spanish vocabulary and pronunciation. She even led the prayers in Spanish at home time!

The Saints of our School

Stars of the Week:Henry Y. and Max

This week in RE we have been learning about the saints of our school, St. Saviour (Jesus) and St. Mary. We wrote acrostic poems reflecting on important aspects of their lives.

Henry Y.’s poems:

Marvellous Mary took care of Jesus.
Angels were caring to Mary.
Rocking baby Jesus.
You rock Jesus.

Joyful Jesus went to Jerusalem.
Ever loving Jesus is kind.
Saviour is joyful.
Useful Jesus is nice.
Saviour is the Son of God.

Max’s poem:

Mary has a special job to do.
Angel came to Mary’s house.
Ran to tell Joseph about the news.
You have a new born baby.

If you’d like to write your own acrostic poem about Mary or Jesus, please post it in the comments section!