Summer 2 – Week 6

Stars of the Week: Annabella and Micah

Last Friday, Year 2 made guacomole! They had to demonstrate excellent cutting, mashing, stirring and sharing skills. Well done for making some super yummy dips! If you want to know how to make this tasty dip then ask one of the Year 2s for the recipe!

We also went to Pizza Express and had a super timer making our own pizzas!

Summer 2 – Week 5 History Day

Stars of the Week: Raina and Henry

Year 2 had a fantastic time celebrating History Day! Thank you Mr Moore for organising such a fun day! In Year 2 we experienced what it was like to be a Victorian child at school, and in the afternoon looked at some jobs that children were expected to do.

Spellings for test on Friday 5th July

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October


Summer 2 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: Orpheus and Sienna

This half term in DT, we are learning all about dips. We had great fun trying out a range of dips and dippers! We then rated them based on our preference. We are looking forward to making our own dips in school later on today!

Spellings for test on Friday 28th June

* night
* knight
* hole
* whole
* blue
* blew
* because
* so
* or
* that

Summer 2 – Week 1

Stars of the Week: Jonah and Yousef

Last half term we made African masks out of clay. We then painted them using bright colours. Great job Year 2!

Spellings for test on Friday 7th June

* any
* many
* clothes
* water
* pretty
* Christmas
* beautiful
* busy
* poor
* kind

Summer 1 – Week 5

Stars of the Week: Lara and Alyssa

Last week, we planted our own sunflower seed as part of our learning in Science. We will have to take extra care of our sunflowers and make sure that they have enough sunlight and water to grow healthily.

Words for Spelling Test on Friday 24th May:

* Megan’s
* Ravi’s
* the girl’s
* the child’s
* the man’s
* the woman’s
* the school’s
* a dog’s
* a teacher’s
* a postman’s

Summer 1 – Week 3

Stars of the Week: Taylie and Summer

Year 2 have really enjoyed our music unit on Silent Movies. In class, we thought of how loud or quiet certain parts of the movie would be, and what instruments makes these loud and quiet sounds. With Mrs Chan’s help, we made our own soundtrack to a Charlie Chaplin movie. We hope you enjoy listening to it!

Spellings for test on Friday 10th May

* station
* fiction
* motion
* national
* section
* addition
* subtraction
* potion
* option
* introduction

Summer 1 – Week 1

Stars of the Week: Aviva and Tara

This week we starting looking at Persuasive Arguments. We began by reading the poem ‘Bedtime’ by Eleanor Farjeon and discussed reasons for and against staying up late. Here are some pictures of us role-playing the ‘child’ and ‘parent’ arguments!

Spellings for next week:

  • enjoyment
  • sadness
  • careful
  • playful
  • plainness
  • argument
  • merriment
  • happiness
  • plentiful
  • cheerful



Spring 1 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: LJ and Alexander

Year 2 have really enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London. Here are some photos of them taking part in a Now, Press, Play experience where they imagined what it would have been like to be there in 1666!

Spellings for Friday 9th February

* all
* ball
* call
* walk
* talk
* always
* small
* wall
* fall
* altogether