Autumn 2 – Week 2

Stars of the week: Belen and Eleni

This week, Year 2 have been making our worry dolls. In PSHE we read the book ‘Silly Billy’ by Anthony Browne which gave us the idea.

In traditional and modern times, people would tell their doll about their sorrows, fears and worries, then hide it under their pillow during the night. Worry dolls are small, mostly hand-made dolls that originate from the highland indigenous people of Guatemala but are also found in Mexico.

Next week Year 2 will be starting to learn about subtraction.

Autumn 2 – Week 1

Stars of the Week: Rosa and Chiugo

This week in Year 2, we started to look at every day materials in Science. We discussed why the properties of certain materials are important. For example, you wouldn’t want a ruler made out of paper because it would tear easily. We then looked at which materials are used to make playgrounds. This was because for DT this half term, Year 2 are going to be designing their own model playgrounds. Before we started creating our own, we needed to first visit one to gather some ideas…

… we did a very thorough investigation!

Next week we will be starting to make our playgrounds. Please can you bring in any boxes (thick card) which we can use to make the base of our playground.

Here is our hymn which we will be singing in our assembly. It would be really helpful if you could listen to it at home to help learn the tune.

Autumn1 – Week 6

Stars of the Week: Javon and Gabrielle

Well done to all of Class 2 for their fantastic artwork. This half term we have been learning about the artist Henri Matisse. Last week, we concentrated on using different tones to create an interesting background and this week we used oil pastels to create a contrasting foreground. Great job Year 2!

Next week is half term so I hope you all have an enjoyable and restful week with your families. I look forward to seeing you after half term where we will be continuing to work on our addition and subtraction skills!

Autumn 1 – Week 6

Stars of the Week: Daniela and Sonny

Year 2 have had another fantastic week of learning. This week in PE, we continued to practise our throwing and catching skills – on our own, in partners and in groups!

In ICT this week Year 2 have been learning about how to stay safe online and navigate the internet. Super computing skills Year 2!

Year 2 have been adding and subtracting this week using a number square. Well done Year 2 – I’m very proud of you! Your Maths skills are improving every day – popcorn is getting more tricky to catch you out! Remember to keep practising counting in 10s, 5s and 2s.

Next week we will start looking at how we can use the inverse of addition (subtraction) to help check our answers.

Autumn 1 – Week 5

Stars of the Week: Astrid and Jacob

This week in Year 2 we have been enjoying Handwriting Week. We have been trying our best to use joined up handwriting to complete our work. Some children have even started collecting their first pen licence points!

In English this week, we learnt about co-ordinating conjunctions. They are a really good way of joining two sentences together.

We have also been planning our stories based on the Harris Burdick mysteries which we look forward to writing later on today. Keep your eyes peeled for some photos of our fascinating adventures!

Next week we are looking forward to practising our addition skills!

Autumn 1 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: Rosa and Cameron

This week, we have been learning about the basic needs of animals, including humans. We discussed what animals need to stay alive: food, water, air and shelter. We learnt about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We then wrote fantastic fact files about a range of animals and included our new scientific vocabulary in our fantastic writing.

In English we have been looking at the features of explanation texts including titles, sub-headings and questions. We then wrote our own explanation text about dragons. Can you spot any of these features?

Next week we are going to be focusing on using our best handwriting at all times when the school celebrates Handwriting Week.

Autumn 1 – Week 3

Stars of the Week: Caitlyn and Hudson

This week in RE, we have been learning about Judaism and identifying symbols that are important to Jews. We discussed where we might see the symbols. Do you know, some children recognised one of the symbols from synagogues which they had passed on their daily walk to school! We made some fantastic artwork using this symbol. It is called the Star of David. This is the main symbol of Judaism. We then reflected on symbols that are important to us.

They look incredible! Good job Year 2!

Next week in Science, we will be learning about the basic needs of animals and humans and discussing where they live.

Autumn 1 – Week 2

Stars of the Week: Krislyn and Joshua

This week we have been thinking about the Fruits of Friendship with God and making sure we make an extra effort to be kind to everyone. Well done Year 2 for being such fantastic friends to each other and treating everyone with respect.

In Maths we have been recapping our tens and ones and making sure we know our place value. Year 2 did a brilliant job of identifying how many tens and ones there were in a number. Keep practising this!

In English we have written some descriptions based on a book we read called You See a Circus by Mike Downs. We have been trying really hard to do joined up handwriting. Thank you to Margaret for displaying our work so creatively – if you look really carefully you will be able to see Year 2 riding the roller-coaster or the Ferris wheel!

Next week we will be continue to practise our place value. In particular, we will be looking at partitioning numbers and identifying how many ones, tens and even hundreds!

Autumn 1 – Week 1

Stars of the Week: Ava and Ethan

Well done to all of Class 2 for their fantastic attitude towards their education. It has been lovely to welcome everyone back to Cathedral School and get settled in our new classroom.

Class 2 have been very busy this week! What a lot of learning we have done and what a lot of fun we have had too!

We began our week by looking at some of our tricky words and using them in our sentences. Then we wrote some beautiful prayers for our Class Prayer book. We have been drawing some circus performers for our class display and we have been reading LOTS of stories!

Also this week we discussed the poem ‘Me’ by Swapna Haddow. It inspired us to write our own poems and celebrate all of the things that we love about ourselves! We look forward to sharing with you some photos of our poetry which will be going on display in our classroom.

Next week we are going to start reading our class text for this half term ‘Tell me a Dragon’ by Jackie Morris.