Summer 2 Week 5 – Hansel and Gretel

Stars of the Week: Chiugo and Daniela

Well done to Chiugo and Daniela for writing such detailed, expressive scenes from Hansel and Gretel, and bringing the action to life with your choice of adverbs!

We have been enjoying reading different versions of Hansel and Gretel this term, including retellings by Anthony Browne and Michael Morpurgo, and we’ve learnt the version of the story that appears in Englebert Humperdinck’s opera! Another blog post will follow with a video of our opera project.

We hope you enjoy Daniela and Chiugo’s writing:

Next week in Class 3… We will be making our healthy meals in DT, inspired by the gingerbread house in Hansel and Gretel!

Summer 2 Week 4 – Sports Week!

Stars of the Week: Marcia and Cameron J

Class 3 have had a fantastic Sports Week so far! They have worked hard learning to play new games, such as kickball, and have shown fantastic sportsmanship and put in lots of effort during Sports Day. We’re really looking forward to our fitness session later today!
Here are some pictures of the week so far.

Next week in Class 3… we will continue finding out about Muslim beliefs and practices around prayer in RE. In geography, we will be learning to read maps of the London Underground.

Summer 2 Week 3 – Tuesley Farm

Stars of the Week: Krislyn and Thea

This week, Class 3 visited Tuesley Farm and picked strawberries, raspberries and blueberries! Back at school, we used some of the strawberries to make fruit crumble.

We have learnt such a lot this week about the British countryside, food technology and our ‘plants’ topic in science!
Tuesley Farm:

Strawberry crumble:

Next week in Class 3… We will be participating in Sports Week!

Here’s the crumble recipe, if you’d like to recreate it at home!

Serves 4 (measurements are very approximate – adjust to taste)
Equipment: approx. 20cm ovenproof dish, or 4 individual pie dishes; knife and chopping board; mixing bowl and wooden spoon
Filling: Strawberries, cornflour, sugar
Topping: 1/2 cup plain flour, 1/2 cup oats, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/3 cup soft butter, 1 or 2 tsp cinnamon (optional)

First, hull the strawberries and cut larger ones into pieces.
Mix a small amount of sugar and cornflour together and coat the strawberries by tossing them in the mixture.
Put the strawberries in an ovenproof dish, about half full.

For the crumble topping, place all the ingredients in a bowl and stir to combine. The butter should be evenly distributed and the mixture should be fairly crumbly. If it looks much too dry, add another tablespoon of soft butter.

Spoon the crumble topping over the strawberries. Place in the oven for 35-45 minutes, or until lightly golden brown, at about 180C.

Leave to cool a bit and enjoy!

Summer 2 Week 2 – Collective Worship

Stars of the week: all of Class 3!

Class 3 did a fantastic job of leading collective worship on Tuesday. They sang beautifully, spoke clearly with lots of expression and showed off some beautiful artwork!

Friends and family, you can enter the password on the next blog post to view the video of our collective worship.

Next week in Class 3, we will be doing some cooking in DT following our trip to the fruit farm!

Summer 2 Week 1 – Poetry Week

Stars of the Week: Lacey and Javon

For poetry week, Class 3 have been learning about onomatopoeia, and have created poems inspired by Voices of Water by Tony Mitton. Lacey and Javon both thought carefully about how to use onomatopoeia to create their own ‘Voices’ poems. Here are all our finished poems. We hope you enjoy them!

Next week in Class 3… We will be participating in a computing workshop with the CLC, and will also be starting our Hansel and Gretel music project!

Summer 1 Week 6 – History Day!

Stars of the Week: Sonny and Caitlin

Class 3 had a fantastic history day, writing fact files for a display about the Anglo-Saxons. The class also found out about the Anglo-Saxons’ Pagan beliefs, and wrote inscriptions to the gods in runes. Finally, the class began creating their own illuminated letters, just like in Anglo-Saxon Christian manuscripts.

Our finished fact files and illuminated letters will be on display soon. For now, take a look at our runic inscriptions to the Anglo-Saxon gods Woden, Thunor, Tiw and Frige.

After half term… we will be celebrating poetry week!

Summer 1 Week 5 – A Boy and a Bear in a Boat

Stars of the Week: Jacob and Eyoel

In class 3, we have really enjoyed our class text, A Boy and a Bear in a Boat, by Dave Shelton. This week, we have started writing dramatic sequels to the story, including lots of exciting vocabulary and descriptions.
We hope you enjoy these extracts!

Next week in Class 3… we are looking forward to celebrating History Day on Wednesday, and having a workshop with the poet Neil Zetter on Friday!