Summer 2 Week 2 – PSHE

Stars of the Week: Nathan L and Luna

Last Friday, we had PSHE Day at Cathedral School, where all of our subjects had a PSHE element to them. In maths, we learnt about the value of money and budgeting. In English, we reflected on our achievements and we wrote about something we have achieved and are proud of. In art, we created a family tree and drew our loved ones. We also participated in meditation and mindfulness activities throughout the day.

Summer 2 Week 1 – English

Stars of the Week: Adeel and Ben

This week in English, we have looked at onomatopoeia and poetry. We first chose a location, such as a beach, city or our home, then we mind mapped the sounds of that location. For example, the sounds in our home could be the toaster popping up toast, the sizzling of the frying pan, the beeping of the washing machine, the blaring of the TV. We then put these sounds into a poem.

I hope you all had a lovely half term break and are ready for the last half term of Class 3!

Summer 1 Week 6 – English

Stars of the Week: Jayvaughn and Nyheika

This week in English, we have finished reading our class text, ‘A Boy and a Bear on a Boat.’ The class have loved this story and laughed along at every mishap on the boy and the bear’s adventure. The past couple of lessons, we have drafted and then started writing our own sequel. We have focused on using some direct speech in our writing to progress the story along. We have also tried to include some humour in our writing, and short sentences for effect.

I can’t believe that we are at the end of Summer term 1! I hope you all have a lovely and restful half term. See you all in June for our last half term of Class 3.

Summer 1 Week 5 – Art

Stars of the Week: Nathan A and Annabelle

This week in art, we have created a painting in response to Magritte’s work on Surrealism. We have spent the past couple of lessons looking at his work and then planning our own artwork, influenced by him. First we drew the stencil of the animal for the foreground. We then drew and painted the foreground. We waited for the paint to dry, then drew and painted the background.

Summer 1 Week 4 – Maths

Stars of the Week: Xanthe and Adeel

This week, we have been developing our understanding of telling the time. We recapped quarter past, half past and quarter to first. We then moved onto telling the time to 5 minute intervals. We have been working really hard and persevering, even when we have found it tricky. Today, we are learning about months and years, including how many days are in each month and when the leap years are.

Summer 1 Week 2 – Art

Stars of the Week: Joseph and Menata

Our topic in art this half term is Surrealism. We have created our own pieces of surrealist art in response to Rene Magritte’s work. We sponge painted the background a light blue with white clouds. We then cut out a template of a dove, blue tacked it onto our artwork, then sponge painted dark blue around the background. Finally, we took the dove template off.

Our Collective Worship is next week, please continue learning your lines and the lyrics at home. Thank you!

Summer 1 Week 1 – Art

Stars of the Week: Ted and Isabelle

We started our new topic of Surrealism this week in art. We looked at famous examples of surrealist artwork and analysed them. We discussed what we could see and what we liked and didn’t like. We played some surrealist art games in groups and had lots of fun doing this.

Our class Collective Worship is on Tuesday 30th March, it would be lovely to see you all there. We are busy practicing in class, but please also practice at home. The class are expected to know their lines and the song off by heart. Thank you for your help with this!

Spring 2 Week 5 – PE

Stars of the Week: Ari and Lenni

This half term in PE, we have been developing our skills in athletics and gymnastics. We have been practicing efficient sprinting, running longer distances, jumping, throwing and catching. Alongside this, we have been developing our teamwork skills. In gymnastics, we have been developing routines independently or in partners, and presenting them to the rest of the class.

Please continue collecting cardboard to bring in on Monday, when we will be making our Roman architecture.