Summer 1 Week 3 – Art

Stars of the Week: Jacob A and Ava

Our topic in art this half term is surrealism. We have discussed what surrealism means and we have analysed pieces of artwork which express surrealism. We have created a piece of surrealist artwork based on Rene Magritte’s dove painting. This week, we have started to plan another piece of artwork using the same techniques.

Please see post below of the class collective worship song.

I hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend, celebrating the King’s coronation.


Summer 1 Week 2 – Maths

Stars of the Week: Heidi and Zein

This week, in maths we have continued our work on fractions. We have become more confident in finding a fraction of an amount. We know what the numerator and denominator represents and how to share objects and groups into equal parts. We have used our knowledge of our times tables to help us.

If you are finding fractions tricky and are not confident in your times tables, please spend some extra time on Times Tables Rockstars this weekend.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend!

Summer 1 Week 1 – Swimming

Stars of the Week: Rory and Anusha

This week, Class 3 started their swimming lessons. Despite some of their nerves, everyone tried their best to swim a length of the pool. Every pupil came out of the pool with a smile on their face. They all listened well to the instructors and were sensible.

Please remember that every pupil needs to bring in their swimming costume/trunks, a towel and a swimming hat every Wednesday so that they can go swimming. Goggles are also advised.

Spring 2 Week 5 – English

Stars of the Week: Sam and Phoebe 

This week, in english we have been focusing on newspaper articles. We wrote an article about a massive diamond which was found in a farmer’s field. As part of this article, we interviewed 3 people and included their thoughts into our writing as direct speech. The articles were written brilliantly and I was very impressed with all of their work.

Next week, in maths we are continuing with measurement and the perimeter of shapes.


Spring 2 Week 3 – Assessment week

Stars of the Week: Elena and Jacob W.

We have had assessment week at school this week. Class 3 have worked really hard in their assessments and shown lots of determination. In English we have continued looking at newspaper reports, and in Maths we have continued studying money.

If you have found Maths difficult, please spend some time this weekend on adding and subtracting money and recognising the coins.

Extra english work

Images to Inspire

If you would like your children to complete extra english work at home, please click on the above link.

This is a website with lots of pictures, where pupils can choose a picture and write an entire story about it. The picture can make up the beginning, middle or end of the story.

We often break stories down into 5 parts (or 5 paragraphs). The beginning, the build up, the issue, the resolution, the ending.

Below are some pictures as examples.


Spring 2 Week 2 – Maths

Stars of the Week: Ruby and Joshua

This week in Maths, we have continued developing our understanding of bus stop division. We have become much more confident and can now divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number with a remainder. Some of us can even divide a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number! Knowing our times tables really well has really helped us with our division. If you found maths tricky this week, please spend some time on your times tables this weekend.

We do have our class collective worship assembly on Tuesday – please do continue practicing your lines and the song over the weekend! Thank you!