Spring 2 Week 1 – DT

Stars of the Week: Evelyn and Jacob A.

Our DT topic this half term is Roman architecture and inventions. In our lesson we first looked at Roman arches, then we recreated our own arch using card and books to help support the card. We then used weights to test the strength of our arches.

This week in maths, we have started bus stop method division, which some pupils have found tricky. Please spend some time this weekend going over the times tables and related division facts. The maths sheets you were given at parents evening will be a great help!

Spring 1 Week 6 – History Day.

Stars of the Week: Miriam and Albert.

We have had a great last week of this half term. On Thursday, we had History Day where we dressed up as Romans and had lots of fun developing our knowledge of this topic. In Maths we studied Roman numerals, in English we wrote a speech as Boudicca, encouraging the Celt’s to join the rebellion and in Art we created a mosaic in the shape of a soldier.

I hope you all have a lovely and restful half term!


Spring 1 Week 5 – Science

Stars of the Week: Rory and Lola.

This week in Science, we conducted an experiment on soil. We put some soil in jars and then added water. We shook the jars and then left them for a couple of hours. When we came back to the jars, we could see the three different layers of soil clearly.

In Maths, we have moved onto multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using the grid method. Please continue practicing your times tables at home if you are not feeling confident!


Spring 1 Week 4 – Maths

Stars of the Week: Kayden and Yoki.

This week in Maths, we have moved onto the 3 times table. We have become much more confident with this times table and I am really impressed with how hard everyone in the class has tried. This week we have shown determination and perseverance.

In English, we have started planning our own chapter from ‘The Wind in the Willows’ which we will write and then publish next week.

Next week in Maths we are moving onto how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.

Spring 1 Week 3 – Science

Stars of the Week: Betty and Gerard.

In Class 3 this week, we really enjoyed our Science lesson. We conducted an experiment on rocks and tested them on how strong they are, whether they absorb water and whether they float. We are really enjoying our topic of rocks!

I am also so incredibly impressed with how well Class 3 have learnt the 8 times table this week. They have worked so hard in Maths every day! Next week in Maths we will move onto the 3 times table.

Spring 1 Week 2 – English

Stars of the Week: Malique and Anusha.

In English this week we have continued studying our class text, ‘The Wind in the Willows’. We have focused on describing the character’s appearances and personalities, and on setting descriptions. We focused on how to include the senses in our descriptions and we have been introduced to what personification is and how to write this technique. Have a read below!

In Maths this week we have focused on the 4 times table, which will be continued into next week, as well as the 8 times table. Please spend some time at home on the 4 and the 8 times tables if you are not feeling confident in them already!




Spring 1 Week 1 – Art

Stars of the Week: Ava and Zein.

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely and restful Christmas.

We had a great first day back after the Christmas break. In PSHE, we reflected on what we have achieved so far in our lives, and what we would like to achieve this year. This week is Art week, so we spent the afternoon starting to create our Vincent Van-Gogh inspired London landscapes. So far, they have turned out really well and we look forward to finishing them on Friday!

Autumn 2 Week 7 – Snow day and Christmas party!

We have had a very busy week in Class 3! On Monday, we had lots of fun playing in the snow. In English, we have written our own Christmas acrostic poems using fronted adverbials. In PE, we have designed our own World Cup t-shirts, footballs and trophies. We had our class Christmas party on Thursday which was a great way to end our first term of class 3!

I hope you all have a lovely and restful Christmas spent with your loved ones. We have had a super first term and I cannot wait for Spring term to start! Merry Christmas!

Autumn 2 Week 6 – english

Stars of the Week: Miriam and Noah.

This week in english we have researched topics during the Stone Age, to write a non-chronological report. We have researched the food, home and tools during this time period. The class have impressed me with their research and note taking skills. We have drafted our non-chronological reports, ready to publish on Friday!

A reminder if parents see this in time, we are making our desk tidies on Friday so please bring in any cardboard from home.

We have had a quiet week in class 3, with some children off ill.We hope you feel better soon and are well enough to come back to school on Monday!

Autumn 2 Week 5 – Science

Stars of the Week: Elena and Maxwell.

In Class 3 we are really enjoying our Science lessons! This week, we learnt about how shadows are formed and we made shadow puppets to help with our understanding. We had lots of fun designing our own puppets, cutting them out and using the torches to create shadows.

We have also been very busy learning the songs for the Cathedral Service which is on Tuesday 6th December – we hope to see you all there!