Summer 2 – Week 7

Stars of the Week: Lola & Samuel

In English, the class have been learning about the suspense theme, thinking about the different features that build uncertainty. Children have used onomatopoeia, empty language and show don’t tell to display emotion to create very convincing pieces of suspense writing.

In DT, the children are finalising their felt phone cases. They have learnt  different techniques when sewing, like the running stitch and back stitch. 

Summer 2 – Week 6

Stars of the week: Phoebe & Kayden

In class 4 this week, the children visited the Golden Hinde, where they learnt about Sir Francis Drake and the route the privateer went on to circumnavigate the globe. Children learned  about the lives of pirates and some of the jobs the crew had on the ship.


Summer 2 – Week 5

Stars of the week: Jacob A & Anusha, Heidi & Younis

Last week, Class 4 competed in a cricket tournament against other schools at Battersea park. We were made of 3 teams. They all give it their best effort and showed their support of the different teams.

This week, Class 4 were visited by a very special Viking visitor, bringing an assortment of artefacts. They got to see a range of Viking and Anglo-Saxon items and tried to figure out what they were. They even learnt about the different food, clothing and weapons the Viking/ Anglo-Saxons used.

Summer 2 – Week 3

Stars of the week: Zein & Evelyn

The class have been very successful in creating and editing their own TV news reports using iMovie software based on the class text ‘Iron Man’. They have used effective transitions and carefully considered the language appropriate for a formal news report.

In Maths, we have been looking at data sets in the form of pictograms and bar charts interpreting the data and creating our own from set data samples. We will be moving on to line graphs in the next week.

Year 4 – Frozen – Supporting role

Class 4 will be taking a supporting and singing role in the Year 6 production this year.

The songs that they will be singing will be the following:

  • Let The Sun Shine On
  • For The First Time In Forever
  • Dangerous to Dream (Queen Anointed section)
  • Love is an open door
  • Summer
  • Let it Go (snow chorus parts)
  • Finale Part 2

The songs can be found using the link below:

Summer 2 – Week 2

Stars of the week: Ezra & Ava

This week in class 4, the children have completed their formal assessment week, including the multiplication tables check. They have worked incredibly hard and displayed great effort with their assessments.

Alongside assessments, the class have shown a great understanding around pictograms in their Math lessons, able to read, calculate frequencies and answer word based problems. In English, we have been looking at the different subordinate clauses thinking about the different effect they have and how to embed them into our English writing.

Summer 2 – Week 1

Stars of the week: Charles & Miriam

This week, Class 4 experienced a unique performance at the cathedral, watching an expert organist play a variety of well known songs. They found out the different capabilities of the organ and about the amount of pipes used to create the effect. 

In English, the children have written excellent setting and character descriptions using a range of features including personification, similes and expanded noun phrases. 

With the MTC check coming shortly, I would like to express how impressed I am with all the hard work class 4 have shown with their timetables and the progress that they have made.

Summer 1 – Week 6 – Natural History Museum

Stars of the week: Justin & Lola

Last week, we visited the natural history museum and saw the exciting extreme earth exhibits and the wide array of animals that could be found there. The class gazed up at the enormity of the blue whale, the largest mammal, and a wide variety of creatures.

In Math, the class have been learning how to complete symmetrical figures. In English, we’ve been creating a  newspaper report based on the visit of a Greek god, using eyewitness statements and interesting headlines to capture a readers attention.


Summer 1 – Week 5

Stars of the week: Ruby & Lennon

In Science, the class explored Red Cross Gardens and the living things in their habitats. They took photos of the different bugs and animals they found and explained the different classification criteria. We even applied our editing skills from computing to the photos by cropping, recolouring and increasing saturation to make the images really stand out.

In Maths, we have looked at the different properties of Triangles and Quadrilaterals and are now moving onto lines of symmetry. Carefully considering  a shapes new position in a reflection.