Spring 1 – Week 4

Stars of the week: Ted & Luna

In History, the study of the Tudors has led us to William Shakespeare. We looked at his life, where he was born, how he started his career and some of his most notable work. Class 4 discussed and acted out their own interpretations of some of William Shakespeare’s famous quotes including: “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” and “Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.”

In English, Class 4 worked hard on their English work, publishing their own fables that aim to teach about their chosen moral. They illustrated the work brilliantly and used expanded noun phrases to add further descriptions to their characters and environments.



Spring 1 – Week 3

Stars of the week: Harry & Lenni

This week, class 4 were very successful in their attempt at recreating Yayoi Kusama’s work using a life sized model of a bowl of fruit. They used patterns which they created influenced by her work and applied them to the outlines they had drawn. We looked at the combinations of colours that were used. Class 4 identified harmonious, complementary and contrasting colours and applied them to their art pieces. 

In Math, we’ve dove into the topic of Fractions counting forward in back, finding equivalent fractions and converting between improper and mixed number fractions.  

Spring 1 – Week 2 – Art

Stars of the week: Reggie & Astrid
This week Class 4, have been working hard with their speech punctuation in English. They discussed ways to make speech more interesting, exploring the impact reported clauses and how to manipulate its placement. 

In Art, they were thrown in to the world of Polka Dots, where they researched the work of Yayoi Kusama, an influential Japanese artist, known the world over. They have looked at her history, where she came from and the journey she made to who she is now. To support this research the class, created a fact file and had a go at recreating the patterns for their own pattern banks.

Spring 1 – Week 1

Stars of the week: Leo & Menata

This week we have delved into the new topics of the term, where the children have shown excitement for the tudors in history and Aesop’s fables in English.

In Science, we developed our knowledge of sound, figuring out what sound is and how it travels. We discussed different mediums and  looked at how our ears works.

Autumn 2 – Week 7

Stars of the week: Xanthe Dilworth & Freddie Grout

The class have had a very busy week, going to the Garden Museum and developing their scientific investigations skills by inspecting seeds and the different features it has. They were very well behaved and showed great enthusiasm for the workshop.

Class 4 performed brilliantly supporting Year 5 in their Christmas production of Mary, Mary where they all gave their best efforts and sang wonderfully.



Autumn 2 – Week 6

Stars of the week: Nathan A & Harry 

In Maths, Class 4 have been applying their knowledge of multiplication and division to word problems. They have been learning to carefully read the problem and employ the right method. Some of the questions even asked them to complete 3 or 4 steps.

In English, the class are finalising their Beauty and the Beast inspired play scripts and are making sure they are ready to perform them to their class. So far they have used narration and stage directions to allow anyone to perform their work.

Class 4, have shown a technical mind in Science, where they have analysed circuits and circuit diagrams then fixed them and explained how.

Autumn 2 – Week 5

Stars of the week: Nathan L & Orla

During the Christmas service, Class 4 performed the hymn ‘We three kings’ wonderfully alongside Class 2 and 3. In Maths, the children have been working hard mastering division and multiplication methods and applying them to a range of questions.

In English, children have begun planning and drafting their own play scripts, based on the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ text. They have adopted the features and are including them within their own work. Using stage directions, narration and dialogue to create interesting pieces.


Autumn 2 – Week 4

Stars of the week – Jayvaughn & Nyheika

This week in Class 4, they have worked hard on their persuasive letters to father from ‘Beauty and the Beast’ using a variety of persuasive features. This included, alliteration, opinions, statistics and emotive language to sway ‘Father’.

In Math, the children have been working hard on their written method of division, using the bus stop method to complete 3, 4 and 5 digit by 1 digit division.