Autumn 1 – Week 4

Stars of the week: Obinna and Fisayo

Class 4 have had a fantastic week of learning. We have created our own representations of stomachs and ‘digested’ some crackers to see how our stomach works.

We have thought about persuasive writing and how we could convince a Viking to come on a voyage with us to Britain for the first time.

In R.E, we continued our topic of Judaism and we designed our own Mezuzahs that we have put our own Shemas inside of.


We are excited to start our topic of addition and subtraction in Maths next week.

Autumn 1 – Week 3

Stars of the Week: Luca and Marwah

In English this week, we have continued our genre of Sagas and we wrote our own chapter to fit into our class book. We worked on how to add suspense and tension to the chapter to make the reader more ‘on edge’.

In maths, we have continued our topic of place value and we are excited to carry this on next week where we will look at comparing numbers.

In R.E we looked at promises similar to the promise that God made to Abraham in the Old Testament. We thought about how we feel when someone breaks a promise with us and how we can resolve a situation where this has happened and we are hurt.

Autumn 1 – Week 2

Stars of the week: Sebastian and Sarah

I am really impressed with Class 4’s attitude towards their learning this week.

In English we have really worked on our expanded noun phrases and we have produced some wonderful descriptions about Vikings. We have improved a section of The Saga of Erik the Viking by Terry Jones to make it more descriptive with figurative language. We are going to continue the story to inspire our writing next week.

In Science we have started to enquire what our individual teeth do and we will learn more about them next week to see how accurate our predictions were.


We are excited to continue our topic of Pablo Picasso next week and produce some more fantastic artwork.



Autumn 1 – Week 1

Stars of the week: Yvette and Iyad

Well done to Year 4 for a fantastic first week back to school. It has been a long time since we have been in class and I am really impressed with how focused and welcoming you have all been.

We have put our minds together and created our class charter that we will follow for the rest of the year. All of our rules are based on respecting each other.

Although we have completed lots of tests this week, we have  started our History topic of Vikings. We looked through all of our key vocabulary which we will use throughout the term. We also designed our own Viking shields which will be displayed on our longship.


Next week we will start our science topic of Animals, including humans where we will focus on the digestive system. In art, we will be learning about Pablo Picasso and discuss the start of Cubism.