Christmas Service

  Congratulations to Year 5 on an excellent performance – really well done! We did our best to support you by singing loudly and tunefully, standing up straight, with smiles on our faces. We were also very proud indeed of our soloist!

To celebrate this wonderful highlight of the year, we wrote about the Service and preparations for it.

What did you enjoy?

What did you contribute?

What made it special?

Here are some pictures of us helping Nursery and Reception to the Cathedral.SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSC

11 thoughts on “Christmas Service

  • 13/12/2013 at 2:24 pm

    During the merry time of Advent, Cathedral School always has a Christmas play, led by Year 5. I am in Year 6, therefore, the year below me is doing it, but I still have a big part to play.
    First the school was asked to practice the songs, which were uplifting and jazzy. On Mondays, we were taught the songs by Miss Hayfield- the music teacher- and Mrs Morrow, who is the piano player.
    I was just doing Science on my table, when Janet came through the door, and exclaimed, “Who wants to audition for the ‘Once in Royal David City’ solo?” Everyone who wanted to (including me). All stampeded into the hall. Mr Scott went through everyone and judged everyone’s singing, then, eventually he told us that I was lucky enough to be doing the solo. I was ecstatic.

  • 13/12/2013 at 2:37 pm

    During November and December, all classes in KS1 and 2, have been extremely busy preparing for the Christmas play, consequently, we had to do a lot of things to ensure that the play would be as outstanding as possible. Firstly, the teachers had to make the decision of which play to do, as there were many to choose from. I thought that ‘Christmas Presence’ (the name of the play), was a fabulous choice. But what songs would we get to learn?
    Afterwards, I was given a song sheet, and we were all told to learn the words to all the exuberant, uplifting songs for the play; meanwhile, Class 5 had started to audition for their parts. Some of the songs we learnt were: God has spoken, Oh! What a journey, Sleep little child, etc. Once we had learnt some of the songs, we practiced them; I also got homework that was to learn them, therefore, we all knew the words quite soon. But when would we get to see the play?
    Next, I was fortunate enough to see the intriguing play for the first time, and Class 5’s acting brought everything to life. My friend had been chosen as Mary, and she really fitted the part.

  • 13/12/2013 at 2:41 pm

    The preparation for Class 5 production!!

    Everyone tried extremely hard in the lead up to Year 5’s production – especially Year 5. If it wasn’t for Mr Scott and Mr Antcliffe (executive producer) the timings would all be messed up and people would be doing roles they don’t feel comfortable with. Mr Scott and Mr Antcliffe are amazing producers. The props were chosen correctly and timed to perfection. The costumes were picked amazingly well and suited the characters and the time when the story took place. 2 staff only: Janet and Brenda picked what everyone would wear, so that made their roles in the play very vital.

    People that didn’t know all of the song words were saved by Kim who printed out song sheets for everyone. Everyone tried really hard to know everything they needed to…especially lines; Mr Scott even asked us to write out the whole of one of the songs for homework.

  • 13/12/2013 at 2:47 pm

    The preparation of the Christmas Play
    Today, Class 5 had to wake up early to get to school on time. Also they had to practise their parts and songs so they had to do very tremendously to be successful. On their first rehearsal for the Christmas play, they were pretty nervous out there! While the rehearsal was taking place, Brenda and Janet were choosing which costume fitted the person and also importantly, what fitted the type of part in the play. Class 5 and the other classes were practising the songs so all you heard was voices coming and going down the corridor like a hurricane and showers. Besides that Year 5 had lots of work to do – like practising their lines for the big play.
    Miss Hayfield was the teacher who sorted-out the songs and also with the help of Mrs Morrow, who was playing the piano plus learning the songs at the same time. Mrs Morrow was playing the music tune (background tune while voices overlapped). Mr Scott and Mr Antcliff organised the play for Class 5 to act out the play and the rest of us to help by singing! There were a variety of jobs to do on the past 5 weeks and we hoped everybody enjoyed the play; congratulations to Class 5 and Class 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 and a very big one to Reception and Nursery.

  • 13/12/2013 at 2:49 pm

    “I heard my heart singing in my ears. I edged closer to the stage. Hundreds of glaring eyes, waiting and expecting. A stampede of elephants charged through my stomach. A volcano erupted in my ears. A hurricane bellowed through my belly. I heard the applause and at that second the world seemed miles away. It was my cue. I took a deep breath. I started my step on stage. It was happening now. There was no turning back…” This is how our performers felt on Friday, in Southwark Cathedral.

    This year’s service was a great success: with energetic acting and pitch-perfect singing, nothing could go wrong. For some people Christmas is an excuse to eat loads of cake and open presents, however that is not the true meaning of this festive occasion.
    At Christmas we remember Jesus – son of God and father of men – being sent among the hopeless and the devious to show us how life should be lived. The light of the world was born in a stable, among cows, sheep and chickens. No-one expected our saviour to be born in such a derelict place and three travellers; known as the three wise men; were no exception. 
    This year’s play took several devoted members of staff, to accomplish what Yr. 5 produced. Janet – with the microphones and auditioning, Mr Scott – with the directing and part-picking and many more. We thank Mrs Morrow for playing the piano so swiftly and significantly. Ms Scade, Sarah, Debbie, Ms Dace, Ms Godsell all supported the foundation stage and Yr. 1 when singing Follow That Star. But they weren’t the only singers around…
    As Yr.2 and Key Stage 2 also learnt all six songs off by heart over the period of three weeks. Initially, we weren’t very confident, but as we progressed it got louder and louder. Miss Hayfield was always there, correcting our singing and giving advice to us. But there was a lot more preparation to be done.  
    How do you think the costumes get there? The props don’t appear from nowhere! Once again hard-working souls put in extra hours to make the presentation its glimmering best.

  • 13/12/2013 at 2:51 pm

    Preparation for the Christmas Play
    Getting ready for Yr5’s Christmas play was a challenge because we (Class 6) were not hosting the play. We had to be attentive and vigilant because if the acting broke into music and we weren’t ready…all you would hear is 24 singing children on stage, with no backup singers! But how did the teachers get ready? 

    “Next!” is what it sounded like in the old library, but now it is known as the study room; Janet would be listening to the singers auditioning for the solo for ‘Once in Royal David’s City‘ (trust me it’s harder than it sounds).
    This is what happened.

    “Next,” boomed Janet in a commanding voice. Gentle perspirations trickled down the performer’s warm neck, in attempt to escape. “They are all so good…” murmured Janet, as she tugged on her white pale shirt, pacing up and down the study room.
    Then…Knock knock knock. It was Mr Scott asking Janet if she had decided who would be performing the solo. And her reply was… “No!” When Mr Scott left the room Janet had made up her mind, her face instantly lit up like a light bulb being powered by 25 electricity circuits.
    All in all getting ready for the play was VERY hard.

  • 13/12/2013 at 2:57 pm

    One month ago, in hymn practise, we were told that Yr5 would be doing a Christmas play; I was very excited. I could tell Yr5 were as happy as me. But who was going to play who in the Christmas play?
    It was time for the auditions. People rehearsing lines in their head, hoping they would get the part they had dreamed of, waiting for this moment to happen through all their years in Cathedral School. The clear image of them being called up to the stage. This was it. It had all come down to this. Janet, Mr Antcliff and Mr Scott staring them up and down; just then… all of the parts were decided.
    One hymn practice we learnt the first song (Mary, God has spoken) and all the other songs followed- in other hymn practices. Finally, Yr5 were ready; they were in their costumes, ready for a dress rehearsal. Mouths dry, knees knocking and trickles of a clear substance running down foreheads. Heads were throbbing with thoughts and feelings. Yr5 were performing in front of the whole school. I knew that they would be fine, but they seriously doubted it; I was right, they were amazing, but were they ready for the Cathedral?
    Of course they were! First though, Janet, Brenda and Kim had to make sure the costumes were new and fixed (if they were broken). On Friday 13th 2013, at 9:30am we went to the Cathedral and sat down bustling with excitement at the side, where the parents were sitting; we could not wait for it to start! First we sang ‘Once in Royal David City’ and listened to Leo’s wonderful solo: after that we listened to Glenda’s reading, and Foundation Stage sang their song; after that Tonnie did her reading. Then… the play could start. IT WAS AMAZING! We could hear a cacophony of our loud singing and the ringing of the piano in our ears. It was so fun. I really enjoyed; I hope the next Yr5 do as good as this year’s.

  • 18/12/2013 at 1:20 pm

    I really enjoyed doing all the singing!
    It very special to be doing all the singing.

  • 18/12/2013 at 1:28 pm

     One of the best Christmas shows we’ve had so far , I loved singing so well done to years 2, 3, 4 ,6!
    Also lovely foundation stage!

    Really well done to year 5!

  • 18/12/2013 at 4:42 pm

    I have three favourite parts of the Christmas play, however I really enjoyed all of it. The first was when we were all singing Hallelujah, Peace On Earth and the angels were waving their arms very energetically, causing the shepherds to shuffle back in fright and amazement. The second was when King Herod was talking to the three wise men; he was played so well and the actor showed all the emotions and ways of speaking that King Herod would have done. I think Mary was played very well all through the play; she was so realistic that I am sure the audience loved it. I think the music made it a wonderful play, as well. The rest of the school did a magnificent job in supporting Year 5 by singing their hearts out. Well done to Year 5 and to the rest of us; I think we all did very well!

  • 19/12/2013 at 4:31 pm

    When Yr5 were doing the Christmas play, we were all so happy to see them do the play. I really enjoyed watching the three wise men as they were very funny and cheeky. I enjoyed the hymns and they did really good acting!


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