Well Done Class 6 Superstars!

All the SATs tests are over, and Class 6 has shown just how hard-working and diligent it is; every member of the class deserves huge thanks and congratulations for their brilliant work. Now that they are SATs experts, it would be really helpful for them to share their experiences.thumb-247143_640

What has helped you to make so much progress this year?

How could Cathedral School have helped you even more to achieve your full potential?

What tips or advice would you give to next year’s Class 6?

9 thoughts on “Well Done Class 6 Superstars!

  • 15/05/2015 at 6:58 pm

    Well Done year 6! I’m sure you did well in your SATS; what ever you get, always be proud of yourself and know you worked hard to achieve it. I hope to see your end of year play!

  • 16/05/2015 at 8:14 am

     What has helped you to make so much progress this year?
    ✪ Booster because I’ve learnt so much there and I have even had a fun time there
    ✪ Mathletics and other helpful resources on the school blog and elsewhere
    ✪ Being confident and believing in myself to do the best that I can do
     How could Cathedral School have helped you even more to achieve your full potential?  
    It has given me booster sessions, helpful homework, maths lessons that really help and practice tests to do in and out of school.
     What tips or advice would you give to next year’s Class 6?  
    ✪ To believe in yourself and be confident 
    ✪ To test yourselves and practice what you can’t do or are unsure about
    ✪ To make sure you don’t forget anything on the day of the test
    ✪ On the day of the tests (and on on the nights and mornings) before you should:
    → go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep
    → have a good lunch, dinner and breakfast
    → remember everything you have learnt

  • 26/05/2015 at 9:38 am

    Well done to all of Year 6.
    You have all worked so hard, and approached the SATS with maturity, you should be proud of yourselves.

  • 02/06/2015 at 12:24 pm

    Looks like you did an excellent job. We are very proud that you made such a brilliant effort in your sats. Congratulations! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • 04/06/2015 at 10:17 am

    Well done year 6! I know everyone one tried really hard!

  • 28/06/2015 at 10:55 am

    I have to admit, I am very pleased that S.A.T.’s are over! I know that everybody in my class worked really hard and I think that stress levels increased a bit, so I am ready to bet that everybody is as relieved as I am (including the teachers).To answer the questions above I think that the booster lessons done by Mr Scott and Miss Fullana has helped me to make so much progress and I don’t think that Cathedral School could have done much more to help me considering the amount of time they were given. I think that if I didn’t reach my full potential then I came very close! And – advice to next years class 6 – just try your hardest.


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