Welcome back!

Welcome back! We hope you had a restful summer? We’ve all come back ready to learn and already begun to fill our year 6 shoes!

We created our class charter today and discussed how we plan to respect our rights and the rights of others by setting a good example and always trying our hardest.

What will you do to make sure you have a successful year in Class 6? What are you most looking forward to? How will you make sure you set a good example?


11 thoughts on “Welcome back!

  • 05/09/2016 at 6:06 pm

    In year 6 i am looking forward to PGL which is coming up in NOVEMBER! I am also looking forward to doing the end of year production, all the great trips and finding out my new secondary school.
    In Class 6 I will always follow the Class charter and volunteer for jobs, I will also try my best at school and out with my behaviour and learning. To make sure I always set a good example I will always be on my best behaviour in and out of class, I will also play nicely with young children.


  • 05/09/2016 at 7:43 pm

    In year 6, i am really looking forward to PGL. This is because I get to spend time in a fun place with all my friends. In year 6, to set a good example, I am going to make sure that I produce great pieces of work. I will set an excellent example and will encourage the younger children to try their best. I will make sure that I make sure to teach people that are younger than me what to do such as using ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ or to wash their hands. If I am in the playground and we’re lining up, I will make sure to line up and show other people especially our newest members what to do. This year, I can tell that I am going to have great fun. In addition to this, as I am a school captain, I will show extra good behaviour and make sure that I appreciate what everyone does for me.

  • 05/09/2016 at 8:04 pm

    I am looking forward to getting A in all subjects and improving in my English vocabulary. I will set a good example in class by not talking in class and paying attention to my teachers and focusing on what I am doing

  • 06/09/2016 at 3:38 pm

    I am looking forward to going to PGL and learning lots of new skills and spending time with my friends. Chesington is really exciting me because it looks and sounds so fun! I am going to be a good model I will try my hardest and behave impeccably. I love year 6 so far!

  • 06/09/2016 at 3:44 pm

    I am looking forward to going to so many places such as PGL and Chesington. I am excited for this because PGL sounds so fun from at I have heard from the former year 6 class who came back to school with big grins on their faces. Also I am going to make sure I do my best at school and make sure I set a good example to the other students at school. I am really excited this years coming!

  • 06/09/2016 at 4:47 pm

    In Yr6, I am looking forward to our PGL trip and hopefully getting a staring role in the levers school play. I am excited about meeting the new yr 3 class and helping them settle into KS2. The roles and responsibilities of yr6 are a challenge that I hope I can stand up to. I am going to always try to set a good example, by acting sensibly and responsibly. As we are all school captains, it is our duty to show the rest of the school how to behave. As me and Elsie have the responsibility of doing the bell and cards, it is our responsibility to remember to always bring them out. As yr6 is the top of the school, I know I need to achieve highly for my last year at Cathedral School. by Charlie Murrell

  • 06/09/2016 at 7:50 pm

    I will use my learning time as a chance to learn as much as possible and i’m most looking forward to PGL since it gives me the chance to know what it feels like to live with the class for a week and it will also bring the class even closer than it’s now. I will set a good example to youngers by making sure they remember their manners and making sure they play nicely together and to say sorry if they upset somone .

  • 07/09/2016 at 4:04 pm

    In Year 6 I am looking forward to many things but the one I am most excited about is PGL. I can’t wait to learn new skills like climing and kayaking and as well as this working as a team. I am going to set a good example to the rest of the school by making sure I listen carefully and learn. Finally I am going to respect other people’s rights by always respecting others’ opinions. 

  • 07/09/2016 at 8:00 pm

    In Year 6 I am looking forward to…
    -The end of year production
    -Setting the example for the school
    -And spending the last year of Cathedral Primary School with all of my classmates happily.

    My goals for Year 6 are…
    -Always trying my best.
    -Doing well in SATS
    -Achieving everything I can (and more)
    – And getting better at anything that I am not so confident and strong in

    I am going to set a good example to others (in and out of school) by…
    -Being sensible, smart and silent (SSS the three S lining up rules) in the line
    – And making sure that I play nicely in the playground, so that others around me also play nicely.

    For buddying I must make sure I stick to Article 12:
    Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.

    Achieving goals links to Article 29:
    Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

    I must remember this not just in Year 6 but also in all of my other classes and so should everyone else.

    By Rachel

  • 07/09/2016 at 8:30 pm

    In order to succeed and do my best in year 6 I will always try my best and listen to what we are going to do in the lesson so I understand it as much as possible and I will always try my best with my presentation even if at sometimes I find handwriting hard if I try it always better than if I didn’t try at all. this links to my right as I have to a quality education.

  • 07/09/2016 at 10:07 pm

    Be a good role model for the younger kids.Try my hardest.
    I am most looking forward to PGL the challenging work and Chesterton
    By following to the rules and showing the younger kids what to do and how to behave in KS2.


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