Stars of the Week: Sylvie & Leon

After a very successful week at PGL, we wanted to share some of our proudest moments and what we feel we achieved throughout the week.

When posting, consider these points:

  1. What are you proud of and why?
  2. How will this help you in life?
  3. What did you achieve? (It could be developing stronger friendships with peers, overcoming a task or trying something you were scared of).
  4. What will you look back on and smile about?

12 thoughts on “PGL

  • 07/11/2017 at 6:58 pm

    I am proud of the high activities (about 10 meters tall) I did on the PGL trip including the climbing wall, vertical challenge, abseiling, Jacob’s ladder and zip wire because they were a lot higher than I thought they would be. When I got to the top of something I thought that I can’t do this but I did it anyway and it was actually really fun! I got better at working with my partners in Jacob’s ladder as it was teamwork to get to the top. I will look back when I am a grown up and smile about when I thought the giant swing was nothing, so I yanked the rope and all of a sudden I plummeted down and started swinging, I had forgot that the harness is a safety and you can’t fall. I am also very proud that I went five days away from my parents and my brother without getting too homesick. Being without my parents will really prepare me for secondary school because you may have trips much further away to different countries. I will never forget Mr. Scott’s funny joke about vampires that he told us whilst we were all sitting around the campfire! Thank you to Mr. Morrel, Brenda, Janet and Mr. Scott for an awesome trip!

  • 07/11/2017 at 8:00 pm

    Over PGL I achieved many things but I will mention a few one of the first things I am proud of is conquering my greatest fear which was not being able to see anything which I fought in Sensory Trail were you have to be blindfolded and use your other senses to guide you through a forest. Many of these things will help me in life because a number of these activities were about team- building, stability or mental and physical strength. Another thing that I have achieved is developing stronger friendship bonds between people I didn’t really know, I also have decided to get a stronger grip on my emotions after events during PGL. I will look back on all the activities that we participated in but one of the things that I will always remember and have a laugh about is when I gripped on to the trapeze bar but got to scared and pulled my hands away and dropped which was probably more scary than holding onto the trapeze bar. I think my favourite activity out of everything we did at PGL was the climbing wall where I reached the top I was very proud of this achievement because I had never been on a climbing wall and I found it to be a very scary experience as it was my group’s first activities, but all in all I found PGL a very joyous experience and I would recommend it to everyone.

  • 07/11/2017 at 8:23 pm

    PGL for me was amazing. It boosted my confidence, encouraged me to try new things and helped me to form new friends. My favourite part was by far the Giant Swing but I also loved areoball ( basketball on a trampoline ), abseiling, vertical challenge and trapeze. My highlight of the trip was definitely scoring a bullseye in archery. I wish we could do it all again and I will look back on the things I achieved.

  • 07/11/2017 at 8:26 pm

    I enjoyed the giant and was proud of me for doing it.
    It will help me in life because it will persuade me to strive for “the top” and that might make me feel good.
    I achieved almost getting to the top of Jacob’s ladder.
    I will remember the instructors and food.

  • 08/11/2017 at 7:33 am

    On PGL I was very proud of trying everything and definitely achieving and accomplishing most. This has helped me in my life by working in twos and threes and I am now much better at working in a group than before PGL. If I would go and look back I would choose on the night we did that amazing campfire, I will never forget it. Sitting there with my classmates on wooden logs in front of the fire was amazing. Singing songs telling spooky stories was very fun. I loved PGL and I am sure the whole of year 6 did too.

  • 08/11/2017 at 4:58 pm

    PGL was an amazing experience jam-packed to the second with amazing, fun adrenalin pumping activities. After getting off each and every activity I felt like I had conquered the world and I don’t regret any of it. The activities have definitely set us for life by giving us teams such as listening and being heard and team work and much, much, more. PGL improves friendships that aren’t as strong, and I guarantee you after looking over your time at PGL you will smile.

  • 08/11/2017 at 5:01 pm

    I really enjoyed PGL. I was especially proud of getting to the top of Jacob’s ladder along with two other people in my class. We had to work as a team to pull each other up the ladder. It really helped me with my teamwork and showed me that you can do anything if you work together. Since PGL I have developed stronger bonds with people in my class and have made some new friendships in the class. One activity that I would really like to do again is ambush because I had lots of fun and we all worked well as a team!

  • 08/11/2017 at 7:37 pm

    What I am probably most proud of is Jacob’s Ladder because it involves a lot of teamwork so higher you get the more you can tell your working as a team.
    Going to PGL will help me in life because over the week my confidence grew more and more just by trying activities that I thought at first I will not be able to accomplish but did in the end.
    What I achieved doing over the week was trying something that I was scared of called the Giant Swing because of the heights.
    What I will look back and smile about is a challenge I did called the Vertical Challenge, which is where you have to complete obstacles in a certain amount of time and I did.

  • 08/11/2017 at 8:16 pm

    PGL is definitely an experience of a lifetime. It helps you to boost your confidence and try out new things.
    I’m proud of completing all the activities and trying to do something which i couldn’t do it with the support of my group and my effort I accomplished it.
    In life this will help you with confidence and trying new things;as well as giving others support and not being afraid.
    During our outstanding week i built stronger friendships within the class and overcoming/being strong about tasks that i was nervous about.

    PGL was one of the best things that i have done in my 7 years at Cathedral School; when i reflect on my time i am proud of myself for all that i did and completed all challenges as well as building stronger friendships through out the course of the week.
    I will smile on the fantastic time we had and it sadly had to pass; we had great amounts of fun and messing around as well as learning lots and becoming a braver person.

    I know that all future classes would have the same amount of enjoyment as we did and you would 100% regret it if you didn’t do an activity. 🙂

  • 08/11/2017 at 9:02 pm

    I was scared at the top of the giant swing as I’m not so keen on heights. I’m proud of myself because I conquered one of my fears. Also, I tried everything and completed everything and I feel very satisfied because lots of the activities were very hard. My PGL experience will help me because I overcame difficulties and so when I find something hard I can look back and remember that I can do anything!
    I will recall the time when I’d just pulled rope on the giant swing and had dropped – it was such a fun experience and I will remember it and smile as long as I live.
    Thank you to all the instructors and teachers for helping me to have a great time.

  • 08/11/2017 at 10:11 pm

    I really feel proud of completing every activity because it helped me and it helped boost my confidence. I think I achieved my goal which was to try all the activities and just give them a go. The thing I will look back and smile about is probably Jacobs Ladder because it was tough but if you try your very best you can achieve anything.

  • 09/11/2017 at 2:24 pm

    I had a great time at PGL. I am proud of Jacob’s ladder because i thought that i did better than i thought that i would. Samuel and Timi helped me a lot and we got to the second top rung before we ran out of time. I because really enjoyed The Vertical Challenge because i was climbing up with Mr Morrel land i got to the top. I think that PGL helped me because it prepared me more for when i grow up because i have never been away from home for so long before and it made me more independent. Rock climbing probably \also helped me because i want to be a rock climber and it improved my skills on rock climbing. it also helped me because my family dose lots of rock climbing and i learnt how to belay. I also loved the giant swing because it gave me a shock. Another highlight of PGL was Ambush. I had been waiting to play this for over a year. I had got lots of special camouflage so nobody could see me when i hid. at the end the scores were 1 all. I enjoyed orienteering because i love reading maps. If i climb up mountains when i am older i will need a map. I had a brilliant time on PGL. Abseiling was really scary but I still did it three tines which i am very proud of. Altogether i had an amazing time and given the chance I would definitely do it again.


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