Star of the week: Everyone!
All of the pupils in Reception have done brilliantly this week not only in their Collective Worship, but also in completing each of their assessments. Congratulations to each and every one.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend!
Next week we will be changing books and carrying out reading groups as usual.
Children had an incredible morning this morning at Southwalk Cathedral, watching the Year 6 Leavers Service.
Everyone walked sensibly and sat and listened beautifully.
In Literacy next week we are thinking about writing our own stories. We are creating characters, deciding on a setting, and writing a problem for our main character as well as the solution that will see them through. The children have lots of ideas and are enjoying being creative.
In Mathematics, we are revisiting composition. The children will solidify their understanding of the composition of numbers up to 10. The children will look at sums with missing numbers, for example 7 – ? = 5.
In PE we will continue practicing Sport’s Day activities so that they are ready to show you their skills on our Sports Stay and Play day on Tuesday 2nd July.
In RE we’ll be questioning what is special about the natural world. This ties in nicely with our topic, Our Place in Space as we will be looking specifically at planet Earth and discussing why it is so perfect for life.
Next week in RE, we’ll talk about what makes us unique. This is when it’s really fun to have baby photos of the children, to see if they recognise each other. Please email, or bring in a copy of a baby photo that you have of your child by Thursday 20th June!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Hardy