Summer 1, Week 7

Stars of the Week: Michael-Romeo and Nia-Leigh

Reception have been making beautiful butterflies out of coffee filter paper, felt tip pens and pipe cleaners.

Along with all of the children, Michael-Romeo and Nia-Leigh worked hard on their artwork and created beautiful butterflies.

This week we’ve had the pleasure of meeting Ross Montgomery who wrote Ten Delicious Teachers.

He held a special workshop with Reception, along with Nursery and Year 1.

When we return, in Literacy we will be reading poems about Space and looking at some of the feature of poetry.

To help your child over the holidays, writing simple sentences together, even just one a day would be great.

In Mathematics, we’ll be looking at number bonds up to 20. Over the holidays, it would help to reinforce the number bonds to 10 with your child.

In Summer 2 Week 2, we will have our Class Collective Worship.

The children each have two lines to learn. These will be stuck into their homework diaries.

We would be really grateful if you could practice your child’s lines with them whenever you can.


Thank you for your continued support.

I hope everyone has a wonderful half term break.

Miss Hardy

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