Space Travel

In Nursery, we have been having lots of fun exploring outer space! Our favourite space story is Whatever Next! and we have loved having picnics on the moon like Baby Bear and Owl.

We told a space story together, and everyone added a sentence around the circle:

Once upon a time, Abe wanted to go to space. He had no rocket, so he bought a rocket from the rocket shop. He put a picnic in the rocket. He went up the chimney. Abe spoke to an owl. They said: “Let’s go in the rocket” to each other. Abe flew the rocket to the moon. The rocket run out and he had to buy new batteries for it. He jumped into a hole of the moon and found some old batteries an astronaut had left. Then he had a picnic – he had apple and milk. He flew to Saturn, and while he was flying there, some aliens tried to attack his rocket. But really, the aliens wanted his batteries. They wanted them for their TV shows. They like Fireman Sam. Abe said: “NO!” to the aliens. When he got to Saturn he gave the batteries to the aliens to watch their TV shows.
Then he went back to space and he saw three owls. The owl said to Abe, “Can I come on your rocket?” And then Abe said “Yes” and they flew in space.
They went to the aliens’ home and played football. Then Abe flew back to Earth.
The End.

We have done some experiments too! We hope you enjoy our film: