Spring 1, Week 6 – Strong fingers help us to be great writers!

Stars of the Week: Jayvaughn and Ari

In Nursery we are always finding ways to make our fingers strong. This helps us to be better writers. Jayvaughn and Ari are always enthusiastic about their writing and find activities in the classroom that help make their fingers strong.

Here are some photos of some of activities that we do in one day at Nursery to strengthen the muscles in our hands so we can hold a pencil properly. Here are some ideas you might like to try at home.
Squeeze and pinch balls of playdough.
Use dot markers on a white board.
Use cut straws to make a necklace.
Thread beads onto pipe cleaners.

Next half term: We will be looking at the animals of the land and sea. Book Week is the second week back, with World Book Day being celebrated on Friday 6th March.

Over the half term holiday, we would love if you could please collect any environmental texts, such as logos from cereal boxes, chocolate bars, catalogues, or that you see in the street that your child can ‘read’. We will be putting these up on display in the classroom to show what great readers we are!

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