Team Reception’s Classroom

This week in Reception we created our Class Charter.  We spoke about all of the things we have a right to do at school, such as being safe, being respected and learning. We also thought about what we need to do to make sure everyone gets those rights. Things like caring, listening, using kind words and keeping our hands and feet to ourselves help us to be part of ‘TEAM RECEPTION’, because “Everything is cool when you’re part of a team”.

Here is a photo of our charter.


Here are some more photos from around our classroom.


We have had to move P.E this half term to Wednesday afternoons rather than Thursday afternoons. However, please still ensure that your child’s P.E kit is brought to school every Monday in case they need it at any other time during the week.

Many Thanks

Welcome to Reception!

Welcome to Reception! What an exciting first week it has been with all of the children having wonderful time getting to know each other and the adults in the class! They have settled in well, and are now getting themselves organised independently in the morning.

Mrs Leighton (Mon, Tues, Fri) and Miss Godsell (Wed, Thurs, Fri) are sharing the teaching of Reception this year, with Debbie working as the Nursery Nurse in class.

Please ensure that all school uniform, P.E kit items and water bottles are named. A key ring on the exterior of school bags will also help Reception children identify their own bag quickly!

Below, you can find the class letter and Curriculum Map for Autumn 1.

Remember if you have any questions please do come and see Miss Godsell, Mrs Leighton or Debbie – we are more than happy to help as much as we can!

Class letter Autumn 1

Reception curriculum map Autumn 1 2015