Stars of the Week: Araliya and Leiys
Reception went on our first school trip this week to The Garden Museum. We all had so much fun and all of the children were wonderful not only inside the museum but whilst travelling to and from as well.
Our first week back at school for the summer term has been a busy one!
Please some some photos below of our school trip:
The children had the chance to see beautiful paintings, use microscopes to look closely at leaves, to explore the museum and sketch different items, to plant seeds and to decorate their eco bags that they now have at home to keep.
In Literacy this week we have been writing recounts about our school trip. The children have been writing in the past tense and using their phonics knowledge to spell words in a way that makes sense phonetically.
Next week, we will writing instructions of How to Plant a Seed. Now that children have the hands on experience they will learn how to write instructions step by step.
In Mathematics we’ve been thinking about subtraction and using a number line to jump back to find the answer. Next week we will be making equal groups.
In RE we will be answering the question, who helps care for our special world?
In Art we will be looking again at the paintings we saw at The Garden Museum and replicating and creating our own with water colour paints.
This week in gymnastics the children have been climbing apparatus and honing their balancing on the benches.
We have photos below for you:
Although the skies today are grey, we have seen some sun this week.
Below are some photos of the children enjoying our outdoor classroom yesterday:
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Hardy