Autumn 1, Week 3 – Kind Friends & Special People

Stars of the week: Romeo & Alma

Well done to Romeo and Alma who this week have been fantastic friends to everyone in Reception. They have been getting busy during our independent learning time, exploring all the areas of the classroom! Well done both of you!

In class this week, we have been thinking about how we can have a safe classroom, were everyone can be respected and learn. We came up with some promises to each other:
– We keep our hands and feet to ourselves
– We have kind hands, kind words and kind faces
– We stay safe in our classroom – we don’t run and we tidy up
– We listen to each other
– We use our manners
– We always try our best
We have been working on class charter this week. Keep an eye out for a photo soon!

In RE we have been thinking about people who are special to us, and why they are special. Here are some drawings of of special people.

Next week
In Phonics we will be learning, i, n, m & d as well as continuing to practice our blending skills. In Maths we will be practicing our counting skills, and matching the quantity. We will be learning about the parable of the Lost Sheep and be exploring self portraits.

Curriculum Evening Information

Thank you to all the parents who were able to make it to our Curriculum Evening.
Here is the presentation that was shared with you, as well as other digital copies of the handouts.

You can access lots of great Phonics information about Little Wandle here

Autumn 1 Sounds

Autumn 2 Sounds

Activities to Try at Home

Early Learning Goals Parent and Carers Guide

Autumn 1, Week 1: Welcome Class of 22/23

Stars of the Week: All of Reception Class

A big welcome to Reception Class of 2022/23. This week we have been exploring the classroom, getting used to new routines and making new friends. Well done to all of the children in Reception who have made a wonderful start to the Autumn term.

We look forward to sharing some of our learning on this blog over the year, it’s a great way to see what we have been up to.

Next Week: We will carry on settling in to our routines and classroom and will be carrying out baseline assessments for Phonics, Writing and Maths.

Summer 2, Week 6: Music

Stars of the Week: Alyssa and Sienna

We have loved our Music lessons in Reception with Mrs Chan, and we always enjoy incorporating music where we can into our learning in Reception. This week we explored our pitch, rhythm and tone skills using our voices and instruments. Well done to Alyssa and Sienna who showed excellent skills and really tried their best with all the activities. After our Music lesson, we took the instruments in our outdoor learning area and continued to explore what sounds they could make:

Next Week: It will be our last week in Reception! We will continue to get ourselves ready for moving into Year 1 and enjoying this glorious weather.

Summer 2, Week 5: A Terrific Tuesday

Stars of the Week: All of Reception!

Well done to everyone in Reception class this week for an amazing Collective Worship. Not only did you sing beautifully, but you delivered all your lines loudly and clearly. Well done all of you!

We had a very busy Tuesday this week in Reception.
We started the day with our Collective Worship. Below is the video of it!

After Collective Worship and a quick change into our PE kits, we enjoyed getting outside in the sunny weather for Stay and Play. Our parents stayed and played with us, enjoying lots of fantastic activities like egg and spoon races, circus skills, javelin throwing and football to name a few. Thank you to all the grown ups that could come along! Here is a video of Stay and Play, as well as some photos of our fantastic morning.

Next week We are going to continue to practice to be Year 1 in our activities! We will be investigating light and shadows, and looking at how we brush our teeth!

Summer 2, Week 4: We are Unique!

Stars of the week: Micah and Henry

Well Done to Micah and Henry who were great detectives when we were matching baby photos with our photos now! They worked so well with each other and other children in the group, looking carefully at the pictures looking for things that were similar and things that weren’t. Super detective work!

This week we have been thinking about what makes us unique. We compared our baby photos and our photos now. We spoke about the things we could do that we couldn’t do when we were babies. Some things we can do now are write our names, run really fast and climb on the pirate ship. We also thought about the things that made us unique and looked at our differences, like different hair, and different eyes.

Next week: We will continue to practise getting ready for Year 1 by doing a carousel of English and Maths activities. We are looking forward to sharing with you our Collective Worship and enjoying Stay and Play with you next week.

Summer 2, Week 3: Science Day

Stars of the Week: Summer and Lara

On Wednesday, we took part in Science Day and had fun discovering lots of different experiments including; paper helicopters, creating rainbows with prisms and making sound waves. Well done to Summer and Lara who showed skills as excellent scientists, asking lots of questions and making observations.

Here are some photos from the day:

Next week: In Literacy, we are reading ‘How to Catch a Star’ by Oliver Jeffers and re-writing the story in our own words. In R.E., we are thinking about ‘What makes us unique?’, please continue sending in baby photos for us to use in this lesson.

Summer 2, Week 2: Our Place in Space

Stars of the Week: Ella and Orpheus

This week we have been enjoying looking at our new topic ‘Our Place in Space’. Well done to Ella, who has drawn some fantastic Space pictures this week and explained all the planets that she’s included. And to Orpheus, who has loved learning about missions into Space and built a rocket out of Lego.

Next Week: It is our Assessment Week. We will be assessing the children on all we have learnt this year across all our subjects and topics.

Summer 2, Week 1: Poetry Week

Stars of the Week: Soraya and Christine

Well done to our stars Christine and Soraya! This week both of the girls have written fantastic poems. They used some of their senses (sight, hearing, smell and touch) to describe what it would be like in a garden. They confidently applied their phonics and are beginning to use full stops, capitals and finger spaces in their sentences. Well done!

Here are some more of our wonderful poems.

This week we have started exploring our new topic ‘Our Place in Space’.
Take a look at our new role play area, we we are going out of this world!!!

Next week: In Phonics we will continue practicing reading longer words. We are going to read the story ‘Beegu’ and write our own adventure for Beegu to go on. In RE we will continue to learn about how Christians believe the world was created.