School Development Plan

School Development Plan

The School Development Plan (SDP) is written and evaluated by the senior leadership team in consultation with staff, governors, parents and pupils. We review our progress regularly, evaluating against specific success criteria agreed by the governing body. The school development plan is updated annually.

The main focuses of the SDP are based on a range of factors including:

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  • Data


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  • National Events


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  • Priorities identified by the school community


School Development Plan Priorities 2014 -15:

Achievement and Progress

  • To continue to close the gap in achievement for identified children or groups
  • To empower all staff to identify and effectively support the different groups in their class
  • To implement a whole-school assessment and tracking system for the new curriculum and to ensure the school community uses it effectively
  • To ensure literacy and numeracy interventions continue to be effective

Quality of Teaching

  • To consolidate outstanding practice in literary and maths
  • To embed the new National Curriculum, ensuring pupils continue to be inspired and engaged
  • To maintain the wide range of enrichment activities at lunchtimes and after school

Teaching and Learning Targets*

             Numeracy: 100% Good, 60% + Outstanding

            Literacy: 100% Good, 60%+ Outstanding

            Other: 100% Good, 50%+ Outstanding

*Judgements based on observations, triangulated scrutiny of children’s work, marking, classroom environment, planning and data.

Behaviour and Safety

  • To ensure pupils know how to stay safe in a range of contexts

Leadership and Management

  • To continue building leadership capacity within the school by working according to a distributed model of leadership (to include governors and pupils
  • To apply for Governor Mark in order to monitor effectiveness of the Governing Body
  • Continue to meet the needs of all parents
  • To ensure positive impact of CPD opportunities
  • Continue to support and build links with other schools
  • To apply for the RE Quality Mark to ensure RE provision remains outstanding

In addition to the above we will continue to develop our local, national and international links.

Cathedral School SDP 2014 -15

On behalf of all the staff at Cathedral School we would like to let you know how much we are looking forward to working with you all this year.

SDP 2013 – 14

Thank you for all the feedback that you have given us this year, both in terms of responses to the end of year parent questionnaire, comments during Parents Evening in January and informal feedback mentioned to us throughout the year. These constructive comments have been used to evaluate last year’s SDP and write the SDP for 2014 – 15.

Feedback from recent questionnaires included:

[quote style=”1″]“Thank you for all that you and the staff team have done in the past year.  We are so happy with how our child has started his time at school and thankful for the positive learning environment created by the staff.  We have spoken to many friends about the great experience we have had at Cathedral School and we wanted to thank you”[/quote]

We asked you to tell us about the highlights of the year at Cathedral School:

[quote style=”1″]“Watching our children grow into confident, caring, bright little people.”[/quote]

[quote style=”1″]“Communication between school and home has improved a lot.”[/quote]

[quote style=”1″]“Development of the infant area and the stage in the hall.”[/quote]

[quote style=”1″]“Challenges set by the teachers have been achieved”[/quote]

We also asked you to suggest improvements to school; here are just a few of the most popular suggestions:

[quote style=”1″]“More extra-curricular activities and Inter school sports competitions”[/quote]

[quote style=”1″]“More coffee mornings”[/quote]

[quote style=”1″]“Nursery should return to full time for all”[/quote]

[quote style=”1″]“More guidance on Gifted and Talented provision”[/quote]