Many thanks to all of the parents who were involved in the River Walk to raise money for school sports. There was a fantastic turn out, even in the rain and everyone at school is very grateful for all the hard work and effort to support PE at Cathedral School. It will help us buy equipment and continue to develop sporting activities further.
Some of the money raised will be used to buy new mats for gymnastics across all classes.
As a school we really value feedback and would like to invite you to suggest other ways we could use the money raised. If you would like to make a suggestion please comment on this blog.
Many thanks!
How about if money raised was spent on developing Cathedral Primary School Sports Teams, for instance: netball, hockey, cross country, football, rugby, cricket, athletics, swimming etc.?
Perhaps starting with one or two sports voted for by the children?
This would provide opportunities:
– to develop sporting skills, encourage cooperation and team building
– for setting up matches or meets against other schools or clubs
– to be part of a team and represent Cathedral School
– for another area in school life where children could excel.
This might be achieved by paying for a coach once a week and related equipment needed.
I think the river walk went better than we ALL thought