Tennis Tournament
Dear Pupils in Key Stage Two,
Many thanks to all of you who volunteered to take part in our school Cricket team. I was overwhelmed by your enthusiasm. It’s great to see so many of you so keen to take part in sporting events. I am sorry that we could only take a team of 11 pupils and so a lot of you were disappointed on this occassion.
However, there are many more sporting events coming up, which you may wish to be a part of. We are very lucky to be invited to take part in a tennis tournament on Thursday 14th June between 10.00am- 1.30pm at Burgess Park Tennis Centre. Again, we will be playing against teams from lots of different schools.
We need 8 children from Key Stage 2 who must be able to follow the rules, show a great sporting attitude and be ready to try their best.
If you are interested in taking part then please speak to either myself or your class teacher before Thursday 10th May so that I can finalise the team.
Good luck!
Miss Watts.
P.E. coordinator.