International Week

This week is International Week at Cathedral School. In Class 4, we are learning all about Mexico! Today we spend the afternoon researching lots of facts and information about Mexico.

What did you learn today?

Mexican flag

26 thoughts on “International Week

  • 23/05/2016 at 2:49 pm

    Mexico is a country between the U.S. and Central America that’s known for its Pacific and Gulf of Mexico beaches and its diverse landscape of mountains, deserts and jungles. Ancient ruins such as Teotihuacan (Aztec) and Chichen Itza (Mayan) are scattered throughout the country, as are Spanish colonial-era towns. In capital Mexico City, upscale shops, renowned museums and gourmet restaurants cater to modern life.

  • 23/05/2016 at 2:50 pm

    That their currency is called Peso.
    That their land covers 1,964,375 square kilometres
    Mexico introduced chocolate, chillies and corn to the world.

  • 23/05/2016 at 3:26 pm

    Here are three facts I learnt today: –  
    There are 123 million people in Mexico;
    Mexico City is the capital of Mexico;
    The currency in Mexico is the Peso and there are 100 Centavos in 1 Peso. 

  • 23/05/2016 at 3:42 pm

    Did you know that Mexico is 8 times bigger than England.

  • 23/05/2016 at 3:47 pm

    I learnt that Mexico is eight times as big as the united kingdom
    and that
    Mexico is home to the volcano rabbit and that the capital city of Mexico is Mexico city.

  • 23/05/2016 at 5:22 pm

    I learnt that Mexico’s curancy is called Peso and that Mexico’s population is around 120 million. A famous tourist destination is Acapulco, a hot beach and a good place to dive.

  • 23/05/2016 at 5:40 pm

    My three finding about Mexico are:

    1) The capital of Mexico is Mexico city. 2) Mexico has a population of 123 million people. 3)The most Spanish speakers in the world live in Mexico.

  • 23/05/2016 at 5:47 pm

    I learnt lots like the currency is called peso, Mexico is 3000 kilometres long, one of the landmarks is called Chichen Itza and it’s official name is called The United Mexican States!

  • 23/05/2016 at 6:37 pm

    I learnt lots of interesting facts at home and at school , here are a few of the ones I remember:
     I learnt that there are 31 states in Mexico as well as the capital city which is called Mexico City.
    I also learnt that there are around 120 different types of cactus in Mexico.
    I also learnt that the national symbol of Mexico is the golden eagle which features on the coat of arms.
    I also learnt that Mexico’s temperature is around 20 degrees as it is near the equator which is boiling!
    I also learnt that Mexico’s national dance is called The Jarabe and is best known outside the country as the Mexican Hat Dance.
    I also learnt that in Mexico they have lots of deserts which would be great if tourists want a hot holiday.
    Mexico invented the Mexican Wave which is a football celebration which waves like the sea. (-It is like the Cathedral wave.)
    I enjoyed learning these facts and I will enjoy learning more about Mexico in international week.

  • 23/05/2016 at 6:39 pm

    the official name of Mexico is Estados Unidos Mexicanos in Spanish.mexican kids do not receive presents on Christmas day.mexico is the second only to brazil in the number of catholic citzens

  • 23/05/2016 at 6:41 pm

    Mexico’s population is 123 million people.
    Mexico is 8 times bigger than England.
    Mexico use to speak Indian but now they speak Spanish.

  • 24/05/2016 at 6:14 am

    I learnt that Mexico’s capital city is called Mexico City
    19.3million people live in Mexico City
    123million live in Mexico

  • 24/05/2016 at 3:16 pm

    1.People speak Spanish 
    2.Mexico is 3000 km long 
    3.Mexico is a home to some amazing beaches 

  • 24/05/2016 at 3:39 pm

    Here are some facts that I have learned:

    Stone tools have been found in Mexico that suggest the existence of humans there around 23000 years ago.The most popular sport in Mexico is football (soccer). Population: 123 million people live in Mexico (2016)
    Capital: Mexico City with 19.3 million inhabitants is the country’s biggest city. Chitzen Itza: built by the Maya people is a World Heritage Site and visited by more than one million people every year.

  • 24/05/2016 at 4:09 pm

    1. There are 123,000,000 people in Mexico
    2. There currency is called peso 
    3. The capital city is called Mexico city

  • 24/05/2016 at 4:24 pm

    1) In Mexico they use pesos as currency
    2) The Aztecs and  Mayas used to live there 
    3) The national dog of Mexico is the Xoloitzcuintli, pronounced zo-lo-eets-kweent-li.

  • 24/05/2016 at 4:31 pm

    I learn:
    Mexico is 8 times the size of the UK.
    The capital city is Mexico City.
    Mexico has Spanish as it’s official language.
    I also learnt more.

  • 24/05/2016 at 5:02 pm

    I learnt lots about Mexico, here are some facts.
    The population in Mexico is 120 MILLION and is Mexico is 8 times the size of England!
    The north part of Mexico is filled with dry deserts, the north and east part are mainly Mountains and the South is mostly tropical rainforests!
    Some people who lived 100’s of years ago in Mexico were called Mayans, they were as gory as the Tudors and lived on crops, fish and meat!
    A very famous destination in Mexico is Acapulco, a blazing hot beach with a wonderful view, an excellent place to go on holiday!

  • 24/05/2016 at 5:47 pm

    I learnt Mexico is 8 times bigger than England . 
    a traditional Mexican food is enchiladas.
    and Mexico holds 123,000,000 people

  • 24/05/2016 at 6:30 pm

    I learned that two of the highest volcanoes are near Mexico City – “Popacatepetl” and “Iztaccihuatl”. Also, Mexico has several national animals including the Golden Eagle, Grasshopper, Jaguar and Green Turtle. Thirdly there are lots of rain forests in the south and east of Mexico. On the flag there is a Golden Eagle.

  • 24/05/2016 at 6:42 pm

    I enjoy learning about Mexican food, culture, beliefs, sport and other fantastic International things the Mexicans like to do such as The Mexican Wave in football. I also love learning about the famous landmarks and popular activities such a going to ‘ Loco Acapulco’! I am sure that there is plenty more to learn in history, geography and art. Today we looked at the Mayans and who knows what else Mr Morrell has up his sleeve. I think Mexico is a fantastic country to learn about which works for every subject. A famous city called Chichen Itza has plenty of landmarks in it. The capital of Mexico is Mexico City and the population of the country is 123 million. Mexicans have different food to what we think is Mexican, we eat Tex Mex food which is not like proper traditional food in Mexico. Mexico has a huge border with the USA and migrants from Mexico easily slip in to the US since the border is so big it is hard to patrol. I look forward to doing Mexican art on Friday and on Wednesday and Thursday I hope that we learn other things as well about Mexico.

  • 24/05/2016 at 8:22 pm

    I learnt that:
    the capital city of Mexico is called Mexico City
    the currency in Mexico is called peso
    123million people live in Mexico
    These are also some other facts I researched :
    Chocolate, chillies and corn were introduced to the world by Mexico
    Volcano rabbit, is one of the very rare rabbit, found in Mexico near Mexican Volcanoes
    The Mexican Wave was created by Mexicans at the first football world cup in Mexico for celebration, it goes round like a wave in in the sea. People still do that at football matches. It is also very much like our very own Cathedral Wave
    the climate in Mexico is up to 20 degrees and it is also near the equator that is boiling hot
    in Mexico the main language is Spanish
    Jaguar is the largest wildcat in North America, which can be found in Mexico’s southern jungles
    the second largest border in the world is between Mexico and United States
    Mexican children receive gifts on January 6th, the day on which they celebrate the arrival of The Three Wise Men. They don’t get gifts on Christmas day.
    Mexico has the second highest number of Catholic citizens
    Mexico is located in the earths most violent earthquake and volcano zones, called “Ring of Fire.”
    Mexico City is sinking at the rate of 6 to 8 inches a year. Mexico City is built on a lake, over the ruins of a great Aztec City.
    Mexico’s flag is made up of three vertical stripes which are green, white and red, and there is a picture of an eagle eating a snake which is based on Aztec legend. The right red stripe represents the blood of Mexican people, the left green stripe stands for hope and the middle white stripe for purity.
    Chihuahua is the name of a Mexican state, which is the worlds smallest dog.
    The Zapotec civilisation (600 B.C – A.D 800) developed the first writing system in the Americans and established the great cities along southern Mexico.
    Mexico is the largest producer of silver
    Tequila and Tabasco are named after places in Mexico

  • 25/05/2016 at 6:48 am

    i learnt that the Capital of Mexico is Mexico City
    19.3 million people live in Mexico City
    And that it is 8 times bigger than the United Kingdom

  • 25/05/2016 at 7:10 am

    I learnt 3 facts today.

    1.Did you know the caesar salad was invented in Mexico.

    2.Did you know that hot chocolate was considered the sacred drink by the Aztecs!

    3.Did you know the main staple food is corn and rice, fruits and veggies, chicken, pork, beef, lamb and along the coastal regions also seafood. Chile peppers are usually among the main ingredients in many Mexican dishes

  • 25/05/2016 at 7:20 am

    Top Three Mexican facts:

    3. Frida Kahlo is a very famous Mexican painter known for her wonderful self portraits.

    2. several different languages are spoken in Mexico but the main one is Spanish.

    1. The President of Mexico is called Enrique Peña Nieto and the population of Mexico is 122.3 million.

  • 28/05/2016 at 11:55 am

    1)The first printing press in North America was found in Mexico City. 2)Mexico introduced chocolate ,corn and chilies to the world. 3)Mexico is home to a very rare rabbit called the volcano rabbit which lives near Mexican volcanos. 4) The official name of Mexico is Estados
    Unidos Mexicanos (in Spanish). 5)The largest wildcat in North America is the jaguar, which can be found in Mexico’s southern jungles.


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