Spring 1 Week 2 – Art

Stars of the week: Samuel & Anusha

After starting the new term with our new topic, the class have thrown themselves into the study of the artist; Yayoi Kusama. They’ve looked at the features of her work and have created their own. Annotating the different features she used and why they liked them.



Spring 1 Week 1

Stars of the week: Evelyn & Gerard

After a restful break, Class 4 have voyaged into a range of new topics this week. We have begun with the new Tudors topic in history where we learnt about the family tree and the dates of interesting happenings during that time period

In English we have started looking at Aesop’s fables and their morals in preparation to create our very own. In Math, we have continued with division and have now started looking at area and perimeter.


Autumn 2 Week 7

Stars of the week – Rory & Phoebe

This week, Class 4 have been working hard to complete their Beauty and the Beast play scripts, creating very entertaining, well thought out pieces of work.

In DT, children have been designing and constructing their battery operated lights using a variety of materials and circuits to bring their designs to life.

Autumn 2 Week 6

Stars of the week: Lola & Rufus 

Class 4 have worked really hard on their play scripts in Beauty and the Beast. They’ve used stage directions and character dialogue in a play script format to create interesting stories.

In Mathematics, the class have been developing their fluency of short multiplication, tackling worded problems and problem solving  to complete calculations.

Autumn 2 Week 5

Stars of the Week: Joshua & Miriam 

This week, Class 4 saw historical artefacts at the British Museum from the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Romans, Ancient Greeks, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We saw how the artefacts were clues to the art and culture of the past.

Class 4 would like to say a huge thank you to the adult helpers on this trip. You were brilliant.

Autumn 2 Week 4

Stars of the week: All of Class 4!

This week in Class 4, they excellently presented their collective worship. Showing their brilliant pieces of works from the previous half-term. Showcasing all the subjects and learning they completed.

Over the course of the week, Class 4 have been doing assessments. Showing resilience and performing at their best.

Autumn 2 Week 3 – Science

Stars of the week: Charles & Heidi 

This week in Class 4 we have been continuing on with our electrifying topic of electricity. We’ve investigated conductors and insulators using a range of different materials.

In Maths, we have revisited multiplication. Looking at what happens when we multiply a number by 10 and 100. 

In English we have been drafting our balanced arguments. Supporting our reasons with evidence and using causal conjunctions to show impacts of decisions.


Autumn 2 Week 2 – Design and Technology

Stars of the week: Betty & Malique

This week in Class 4, we have been exploring the new topic of Electricity in both Science and Design and Technology. The children have been investigating electric circuits. Making their own simple circuits and parallel circuits.

In English, we delved into the playscript of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ planning our reasons whether ‘Father’ should leave the family home in search for a fortune or remain home and look after the farm.

In Geography, we have been exploring Europe, using an atlas to identify countries, rivers and mountain ranges.

Autumn 2 Week 1

Stars of the week: Albert & Elena

This week in English, Class 4 have been exploring our class story ‘Beauty and the Beast’, where they have all had a role and offered brilliant expressions making an engaging read. 

In Maths, we’ve explored measures of length, converting between mm, cm, m and km. 

In DT, Class 4 have investigated the impact of design and technology and how it’s shaped our world. How technology has changed from letters to mobile telephones, from fires to radiators, from horses to cars.