Spring 1 Week 6 – History Day

Stars of the Week: Aarav and Daniela

This week was History Day! Our topic this term was the Tudors and so we all dressed up in the style of Tudors and had a very fun day completing Tudor-style activities! From organising a banquet for the King, to writing a letter to the monarchy to warn them of a potential attack! Happy History Day!


This weeks spellings are:


Spring 1 Week 5 – Maths

Stars of the Week: Belén and Eyoel

This week in Maths, Class 4 we have been looking at decimal numbers. We learnt that a tenth is larger than a hundredth and started to compare two or more numbers to find the largest. Belén and Eyoel showed great focus towards the value of each digit and compared them to other numbers.

In History this week, we have been looking at Tudor inventions. Class 4 researched some facts about the different Tudor inventions, from the creation of a fork to the flushing toilet! They created some great presentations about each invention, along with their function and purpose.



Spring 1 Week 4

Stars of the Week: Cam’ron and Astrid. 

In PE this week, Class 4 we had a brilliant cricket session with some local coaches. The skill they were focusing on was straight arm bowling, and there was lots of things to remember each time! Cam’ron and Astrid worked incredibly hard to keep their arms straight and showed great persistence. Don’t forget ‘Stance, Star, Step’.

In English this week, we have been planning another secret mission for Jack Briars who has become a spy for Thomas Cromwell. We discussed where he might be asked to go, and the things he needs to find along the way. Then, we created out own class code and wrote out Jack’s missions using a variety of numbers and symbols.

Spring 1 Week 3

Stars of the Week: Thea and Javon

This week in Maths, we have been looking at adding and subtracting fractions. We discussed the different ways to represent fractions and how we can use this to help us in our calculations. Javon and Thea worked particularly hard to keep their methods clear and neat, and move over the denominator each time.

In History we looked at the different aspects of Tudor life – from the food and drink the consumed, the entertainment they enjoyed, and the clothing they wore. Class 4 created their own discussions around the different lives that wealthy Tudors enjoyed, compared to the poorer servants.



Spring 1 Week 2 – Maths

Stars of the Week: Caitlin and Sonny

This week in Class 4, we have been looking at fractions in Maths. The children went on a hunt around the classroom to identify the fractions and calculated the numerators and denominators.


In English this week, the children had a debate about whether the school week should be 4 days or not. They made some great arguments for and against and were very respectful of each other’s opinions. Well done!


Spring 1 Week 1

Stars of the Week: Krislyn and Sean

This week, we have started our collages for Art week. Class 4 chose their colour schemes and carefully created a contrasting collage background by carefully cutting out different designs and overlapping them to make sure there are no gaps.

In English we have started our new class text – Spy Master! This links to our history topic which is the Tudors. We made some predictions about the story and started to read the first few chapters.

Autumn 2 Week 6

Stars of the week: Ethan and Osarenoma

This week, in English we started to write our Beauty and the Beast playscripts. Class 4 worked extremely hard to include the colons instead of speech marks for the dialogue, and brackets for any stage directions. We then thought about how we could add expression during the dialogue, and this helped us to imagine how the characters would be acting.



Autumn 2 Week 5

Stars of the Week: Caitlin and Cam’ron T

In English this week, Class 4 we have been continuing with reading Beauty and the Beast. The children explored the different rooms that Beauty entered and came up with their own mystical room. Caitlin and Cam’ron worked very hard to include some powerful adjectives within their descriptions.

Autumn 2 Week 4 – Science

Stars of the Week: Cruz and Marcia

In Science we have been looking at how we can introduce switches into our electrical circuits. We discussed how the switch needs to have two conductors (split pins) which can touch together to allow the electricity to flow through. Class 4 worked very hard to create their own switches and it was like magic when their lightbulb turned on!

Also this week, we went to the Unicorn theatre to watch Pinocchio! The children were very well behaved and loved the part when one of the actors said that teachers have smelly breath – from drinking too much coffee!!

Autumn 2 Week 3

Stars of the week: Mason and Astrid

This week in in science, we have been looking at insulators and conductors. Class 4 created an investigation where they tested different materials in a complete circuit, to see if they conducted electricity (and the light turned on), or if they insulated the electricity (and the light stayed off). They used lots of different materials such as a coin, a piece of paper, a paper clip, a ruler and a piece of foil. Mason and Astrid have worked extremely hard this week and stayed focused on all the tasks that have been set.