Summer Week 4 – Designing buildings

Year 5 stars of the week: Zakaria and Edward

Yesterday, Year 5 went to Tower Bridge on a school trip.

We began by looking at the East and West side of London, and identified some of the features of the buildings that were there. We found lots of interesting shapes which gave us inspiration when designing our own building.

Tip: if you ever go to Tower Bridge (and we would really recommend that you do) remember to look up and down…

We used SketchUp to design our own buildings. They are being printed on a 3D printer – we cannot wait to see our creations!

21 thoughts on “Summer Week 4 – Designing buildings

  • 04/07/2018 at 4:10 pm

    I learned a lot because I was shown how to design specific shapes and objects, even the shape I tried so hard to make! I was really enjoyable because whilst me and Daniel were trying to get our building right, we discovered a lot of things on the way, and it was also fun because we messed around a bit with it and it was really fun! It has inspired me to sketch more buildings and maybe even become a building designer!

  • 04/07/2018 at 4:17 pm

    I love this trip to Tower Bridge! I learnt that it take a lot to build this and that a bus driver saved a lot of lives! I really enjoyed this because it was a phenomenal and amazing. I would quite like to learn a bit more about this. It truly was AMAZING!

  • 04/07/2018 at 5:30 pm

    i enjoyed the trip because when i first went on the glass floor i was a bit scared but it was actually fun after a few steps.I learnt what software architects use to design buildings. Also it inspired me by thinking if i could my building become a landmark.

  • 04/07/2018 at 7:09 pm

    I learnt that tower bridge was originally panted Brown.
    I enjoyed it because I went on the glass floor.
    Yes because tower bridge is in my local community.

  • 04/07/2018 at 7:24 pm

    I really liked that we got to design our own buildings and got them printed on a 3D printer too

  • 04/07/2018 at 7:44 pm

    I learnt how the 3D printer worked and how they made fantastic designs.
    I really enjoyed the trip because we could explore different shapes and use the blocks for our design to make the model.
    This has inspired me to learn more to make 3D models and maybe I could make MORE and MORE!

  • 05/07/2018 at 4:32 pm

    This was a great day for all of Class 5 as we got to design our buildings in an extremely inspiring bridge . I really enjoyed learning about how tower bridge was made. Starting of with wooden blocks at first seemed a bit strange but then we realised that it was our plan to draw it on SketchUp ( an app that real architects use to design buildings.)

  • 05/07/2018 at 4:34 pm

    I learnt about the way architects design their buildings and I loved to find out about it. I would love to go back, it was truly amazing.

  • 05/07/2018 at 6:31 pm

    I learnt a lot about architecture and it was really fun using the PC. It inspired me to learn about architecture and buildings and the trip was the thing that inspired me

  • 05/07/2018 at 6:36 pm

    I learnt how to use a software called Sketch Up. I worked with Alex. We made an intricate design and think about how to put the design into the shape of a building. It was called the armchair for a nickname. It has inspired me to be and architect when i am older. I enjoyed going up to the top of tower bridge because there was a glass wall . i looked down. I even lied down on it! It wasn’t very scary but it was pretty high up! That would of been a nasty fall if we fell down! FACT: they said that the glass is so strong, it could hold up six elephants and it probably wouldn’t even break! that glass must be kind of unbreakable!

  • 07/07/2018 at 7:01 am

    I learnt how to use software and there was sketch up on there. I really enjoyed standing on the glass floor and also, on sketch up. Me and Esther designed a new building called ‘ The crayon’ it was really fun! All our models are being printed on a 3D printer and we are all very excited. This trip inspired me to visit tower bridge with my family.

  • 08/07/2018 at 5:58 pm

    I enjoyed the trip because it was very fascinating and also very enjoyable. I also enjoyed the trip because I did not know that tower bridge was grey before it has the colours of red, blue and white.

  • 08/07/2018 at 6:40 pm

    I learnt how to use the software Sketchup it was a really good opportunity and it was a very fun experience. It was a very enjoyable and I would recommend going there my favourite part was making our buildings and my partner was Victory.
    I enjoyed because it was very informative and it was nice experiencing what architects experience when they are making buildings.
    I learnt a lot when I went there but it hasn’t inspired me to learn more…yet.

  • 09/07/2018 at 7:10 am

    I saw how 3D machine actually works it was amazing and learning about a bus and we used SketchUp it was nice and I worked with mahima

  • 09/07/2018 at 3:35 pm

    this was fun 3D printing our building structures and being able to design our own buildings and i was sort of scared to go on the glass floor

  • 09/07/2018 at 5:42 pm

    The trip to tower bridge was fascinating and it was really good i learned a really cool fact and it was that the number 78 bus once jumped over tower bridge when it was opening.

  • 09/07/2018 at 7:25 pm

    I really enjoyed making our own building also I liked looking at the glass floor
    It inspired me to appreciate my house.

  • 09/07/2018 at 7:31 pm

    I enjoyed going toTower Bridge as there was an amazing view view of London and we got a good choice of using architect softwhere.
    I learnt how real architects designed buildings and found it interesting.

  • 09/07/2018 at 8:33 pm

    I enjoyed the glass walkway and I was frightened at first but, I stepped on it and later on we made some models which was quite fun

  • 10/07/2018 at 6:25 am

    I enjoyed it because we got to build our own building and give it its name. It inspired me to become a architect (I want to become a architect) I learnt how architects design buildings

  • 10/07/2018 at 4:28 pm

    I really enjoyed going to Tower Bridge on a school trip.

    The thing I enjoyed the most (it was so hard to choose) was when we went onto the glass floor. We were so high up, and straight above the Thames as well. It was quite nerve wracking at first, but then when I had taken my first few steps, it was extremely fun; I even got so daring that I lay face down on it. It was awesome.
    However, in close second, was when we designed our own buildings. Glennis and I worked together to produce and awesome building. It looked like a hamburger, hence its name The Hamburger!

    I learnt how to use SketchUp, a professional architecture software, to design our buildings. I can’t wait to see them printed out by a 3D printer.

    This trip inspired me to use SketchUp at home sometimes.


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