Summer 1 – Week 2

Year 5 stars of the week: All of Class 5

This has been another busy but exciting week for Year 5. We have been enjoying taking part in Bikability Level 1 and 2 which has allowed us to practise our cycling skills in order to stay safe. Thank you Miss Fishwick for organising such a fantastic experience – it has been a cycling success!


Also this week, Year 5 have produced some fascinating projects on either what their family did during World War 2 or what happened to certain areas, buildings or landmarks in London during the Blitz.

It has been so interesting to learn about the remarkable people that Year 5 have in their families. We look forward to hearing everyone present their projects later on this week.

Please click on the name below if you would like to read our World War 2 presentations.

Albert Amari Arianna Caitlyn Cheri’ane Daniel Emilia Emmanuel Fatimah Fiona James Joel Julia Justice Kaijaun Kristian Mary Nahum Prushottaman Ruby Shawn Sienna Suriya Teddy Tiyana Whitney



Summer 1 – Week 1

This week Year 5 have been enjoying using the gym equipment in the hall. We practised travelling using different points of contact and came up with some really unusual ways of moving along. What a lot of talent there is to be found in Year 5!


Spring 2 – Week 6

Last week, Cathedral School celebrated Science Week. On Monday we visited the Planetarium and learnt about the stars in our galaxy. In English, we wrote myths about the origin of these impressive constellations.

In Science, we conducted an experiment to see if we could make a paper helicopter go faster by changing the width of the blades, adding weight, or altering the size. It was a lot of fun and we have definitely improved our measuring skills!

We also had visitors who came in to talk to us about Artificial Intelligence and Engineering in Science. We learnt so much and it was a fantastic opportunity to learn about how Science is used in everyday life.

Finally, for homework we produced posters about different types of journeys. They are very impressive and show lots of super Scientific knowledge.

Well done Year 5 – please comment below and let me know what your favourite part of Science week was.

Spring 2 – Week 4

Year 5 stars of the week: Kristian and Cheri’ane

This half term we have been focusing on the skill of drawing. We began by looking at famous self-portraits drawn by well-known artists. We then had a go at drawing our own portraits. See if you can recognise the person from our pictures below!



Also – please have a look at our lovely board display which Janet has put together so wonderfully. If you want to read our superb setting descriptions then you can find them in the KS1 corridor.

Spring 2- Week 2

Year 5 stars of the week: Tiyana and Daniel

This week we have been celebrating Book Week. In Year 5 we have been reading ‘The Secret Garden’. We have written some fantastic setting descriptions using some ambitious vocabulary that we have collected. Please be sure to read our wonderful work in the Key Stage 1 corridor!

We read some interesting stories to Year 1…


… and dressed up as our favourite book characters. Can you guess who we are?







Spring 1 – Week 6

Year 5 stars of the week: Arianna and Fatimah

This week in Science, Year 5 were learning about reversible and irreversible changes. As part of this we made some cookies to show that when materials (ingredients) are heated, this change become irreversible and the materials cannot be separated and returned to their original form.

This was our most tastiest Science lesson!