Home Learning Link

Hello Nursery,

We hope that you all had a lovely break and are ready for some more learning. Our learning will be a little different to start Spring term as you will be at home, rather than us all being together at school.

You can find our daily learning here: https://sites.google.com/csmo.org.uk/nursery-homelearning/

When you do the activities you can send them to us via EvidenceMe, or your grown-ups can email them to us.
Miss Bailey: missbailey@ictcathedral.org.uk

Miss Godsell: missgodsell@ictcathedral.org.uk

Grown-Ups – if you need to contact us, please do so via the emails above.

Stay safe Nursery, we will see you soon!

Autumn 2, Week 7 – Merry Christmas from Nursery!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We have had a wonderful day celebrating Christmas at Cathedral School. Today we wore our Christmas Jumpers and got into the festive spirit singing Christmas songs. We had our delicious Christmas lunch altogether and then in the afternoon had a fantastic party! We did lots of dancing and played pass the parcel. Our amazing day ended with someone making a snowy mess in our classroom – Father Christmas! He dropped by to deliver some gifts for us! What a day!

Here are some pictures of our fun day!

We have also been working hard to learn our Christmas songs. You can see the video of our song, as well as the rest of the school’s performances here: http://www.cathedralprimaryschool.com/christmas-2020/
If you are impressed, please leave a comment for us!

Finally, we designed some Christmas cards for the residents of Lucy Brown House. The competition was organised by the Friends of Cathedral School. Everyone did a wonderful job, and our 3 winners are pictured with their cards below.

Well done to everyone in Nursery! You have all had a fantastic first term and come so far in your learning!Autumn term certificates:
Writing: Elowen, LJ, Charlie, Thomas
Maths: Micah, Toby, Ava, Avani
PSHE: Amelia, Annabella, Henry, Tehya
Lots of children also received certificates for 100% Attendance in the Autumn term which is fantastic! Well done everyone!

We would like to wish all Nursery families a very safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for all your continued support this year. See you in 2021!
Miss Godsell, Miss Bailey & Debbie

Autumn 2, Week 5 – Can you do it?

Stars of the Week:Amelia & Jonah

Well done to Amelia and Jonah for thinking of different ways that they can move their body.

This week we have been thinking about all the different things that we can do with our bodies like clapping our hands, bending our knees and turning our head. Using the book “From Head to Toe” we were inspired to make our own class book. You can listen to the story too:

What can you do?
Here are the pictures of all the things that we can do with our body, can you do it?

Next Week: In phonics we will learn about the sounds that ‘i’ makes. We will continue with our learning about Christmas, looking at the symbols of Christmas likes candles, trees and wreaths.

Autumn 2, Week 4 – Dazzling Displays

Stars of the week: Christine and Thomas

This week was Assessment Week in Nursery. We all had the chance to show off all the wonderful learning that we have been doing. Thomas and Christine tried their very best all week! Well done both of you!

In our classroom we have put together some lovely displays since beginning school. We thought that you would like to see some of them! All of our displays feature children’s work – some of which has been done independently and some with the teachers. We hope you enjoy seeing what has been happening in our classroom

Next week: In Phonics we will learn the sound made by the letter ‘p’. We will be thinking about all of the different things that we can do with our bodies, writing a class version of Eric Carle’s book, ‘From Head to Toe’. In Maths we will be practicing our counting. Our classroom will be changing into a Winter Wonderland as we continue learning about Christmas and the weather changes we are seeing.

Autumn 2, Week 3 – World Nursery Rhyme Week

Stars of the Week: All of Nursery

Well done to all of Nursery who this week have participated in World Nursery Rhyme Week, along with hundreds of thousands of other children around the world. All the children enthusiastically joined in singing this years nursery rhymes and the follow up activities.

We sang the Wheels on the Bus. We chose how many people to put on a bus, matching number to quality.

We sang 5 Little Speckled Frogs. We ordered 5 frogs according to their size.

We sang Hickory Dickory Dock. We learned about clocks, and chose what time our clocks will show. We then put that many fingerprint mice onour clocks. We learned the makaton sign for clock.

We sang Old MacDonald Had A Farm. We learned the makaton signs for some farm animals. Our follow up activity was to choose a farm animal, drawing it and thinking about the sound it makes.

We sang Miss Polly Had A Dolly. We thought about what we would do to look after a poorly baby.

Photos of us enjoying World Nursery Rhyme Week will be uploaded shortly.

Next week:We will be showing all of the wonderful learning that we have done so far in Nursery. We will also be starting our learning about Christmas, including Christmas songs that you will be able to see us perform (via video) later in the term.

Autumn 2, Week 2 – Self Registration

Stars of the week: Ava and LJ

Well done to LJ and Ava who have put in a fantastic effort this week writing their names. Well done!

This week we have been practicing writing our names. We have been coming into class in the morning and after washing our hands, writing our names all by ourselves! Here are some pictures of our independent name writing. We can see that the practice at home is helping!

Also this week we have been continuing our learning about patterns. Here are some of the patterns we have made. We were able to make and describe these patterns all by ourselves!

Autumn 2, Week 1 – Remember, Remember the 5th of November

Stars of the Week:Alberto and Avani.

Well done to our stars this week Alberto and Avani. When we were making our firework pictures to celebrate Bonfire night, they not only made some beautiful firework pictures, but they were able to think of some of the noises that they might hear when we see fireworks, such as “Bang!” “Pop!” and “Whizz!”. Great thinking!

Here are some of the lovely pictures that we made to celebrate Bonfire night!

Next week: In Phonics, we will be learning about the letter ‘a’ and the sound it makes. We will be practicing writing the letters in our name, not only on paper but also in sand! We will be thinking about patterns and trying to make our own, as well as thinking about some of the different ways we celebrate in our families.

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears

Stars of the week: Ava & Alexander

This week in Nursery we have been reading the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. Ava and Alexander were able to retell the story in their own words, remembering the key events. They were also able to order the bears, chairs and beds in order from smallest to biggest. Well Done!

We used Goldilocks and the three bears to help us think about size, and comparing the size of objects. We sorted objects into their sizes such as big, medium and small. Then as a challenge with the teachers we had to order them!

We also learned the song to help us count to 3. Maybe you can sing it too!

Next Half Term: In Autumn 2, Week 1, we will start writing our names in the morning for self registration. Please keep practicing name writing over the half term using your name writing cards and pens that were sent home. Also next half term in Phonics we will start learning our letters and the sounds that they make. We will start with the letter ‘s’.

Busy bees in Nursery!

Stars of the week: Toby and Elowen

It has been another busy week in Nursery! Elowen and Toby have been enthusiastic learners all week, trying their very best and making sure they put their hand up to share their ideas. Well done you two!

This week we have used the story of Noah’s Ark, not only to help us learn about someone special in the bible, but also to help us learn all about the number 2.

We also read the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. We have loved acting out parts of the story such as ‘squelch, squerching’ through the mud and ‘splash, sploshing’ through the river. We used Michael Rosen’s fantastic video of him retelling the story to inspire us. You could try and act it out too.

Here are some photos of us acting out the story.

Next week: We will be learning about Autumn, thinking about how the season have changed. We will also be looking closely at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, learning about the number 3 and the language of size.

What makes us special?

Stars of the Week: Henry & Alexander

Well Done to Henry and Alexander this week. They were able to think of lots of things that make them special in our RE lessons this week. They also made some beautiful Elmer the Elephants!

This week, we have been thinking about what makes us special. We listened to the story of Elmer the Elephant, who was special because he was a patchwork elephant! We thought about the things that we are good and things that we can do that make us unique and special. We decorated some Elmer’s too!

Next Week:We are going to be exploring the poem “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt”, listening for the different sounds that you can hear in it. In RE we are going to be thinking about special people in the bible, focussing on the story of Noah and his ark.
Thank you to those families that have sent in Life In All Its Fullness Photos. If you haven’t yet, please email them to the email address listed in the letter.