A Very Busy Half Term!

Last half term was a very busy one in Reception! We enjoyed doing lots of different activities for our topic ‘Marvellous Me’.
As a result of all our hard work, our display boards have started to fill up! Here are a few of them:


As mentioned in our previous blog post, at the beginning of the year we created our class charter. As a Rights Respecting School, it’s important that we have a class charter to show our rights and then our rights respecting actions to ensure we all have the rights. We each decorated our own carriage to go on Reception’s Ferris Wheel to show that we all work together to follow the rules to keep our class spinning around!


In RE, we have been thinking about how everyone is unique and special. We read the story, The Crayon Box That Talked, about a box of crayons who didn’t get along because they were all so different, until they realised what a beautiful picture they made when they all worked together! The story helped us to understand that when we all work together, the results are much more colourful and interesting! We each decorated a crayon to go in Reception’s crayon box.


We love to celebrate our writing in Reception. Each week we choose 4 pieces of excellent writing to be displayed on our Writers’ Wall.


We went on a nature walk around the school gardens to collect natural materials. We collected lots of sticks, leaves and stones and used them to create self-portraits!
We also drew self-portraits on the interactive whiteboard:


Now we have started the new half term we have a new topic, Festivals and Celebrations! Next week, children will be bringing home a Half Term Overview with information on what we will be learning this half term.

Some important dates for your diary this half term:

Our Collective Worship is taking place on Tuesday 22nd November at 08:55 am. Grown-ups are invited to stay after the collective worship for a coffee and biscuits!

We will be singing a song during the Christmas service on Friday 9th December at 9.30 am in Southwark Cathedral.

The EYFS Nativity will be performed on Wednesday 14th December at 9am. Straight after the performances, grown-ups (a max of 2 per child) are invited to participate in our Stay ‘n’ Play sessions. A letter will be sent in due course to advise you further about arrangements.

Finally, just a short reminder about Home Reading in Reception.
Thank you for all the reading you are doing at home. Reading books will be changed at some stage during the week. We have changed our book changing system so that we will now be changing the children’s books as we read with them. Therefore, children will have their books changed on different days throughout the week.
The Oxford Reading Tree Scheme Books will only be changed if they have been read and recorded in the Reading Record at least 3 times over the week.
If you are finding that your child has become very familiar with the text, you could ask them to try and put the words in another sentence or write them out for spelling practise. And of course, read your own books in addition!

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to speak to Miss Keohane or Sara.

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