Spring 2, Week 2!

A brilliant Book Week!

We have had an extremely exciting Book Week in Nursery!

Our class book was ‘Zog’, by Julia Donaldson, and we enjoyed taking part in lots of different dragon themed activities!

After reading the story, we talked about what Zog looked like. We then designed our own dragons, thinking of what their names would be, their size, and even what their super power would be! We used our phonic knowledge to write down our ideas…

We then painted and collaged our dragons, which will be used on our corridor display board (a picture of this is to follow next week!)

We had lots of dragon themed provision this week. To exercise our fine motor skills, we made plastercine dragons – rolling and twisting the plastercine to make the head and body, and adding googly eyes, matchsticks for spikes, pipe cleaners for wings and shapes for the tail!

We also made dragon puppets in our workshop, and acted out the story of Zog in our small world area…

We also found some mysterious creatures growing in a tank in our classroom… we have been thinking about what they could be and have come up with ideas including butterflies, dinosaurs, fish and even dragons! We used torches and magnifying glasses to look closely at them. We are hoping the tiny eggs will hatch next week…

This week we also learnt about Shrove Tuesday. We learnt that it is the day before Ash Wednesday, which is when Lent begins. Lent is when Christians begin to prepare for Easter. Ingredients such as flour, eggs and butter would be used up before Lent begun, and these ingredients were often used to make pancakes.
We all worked together to mix flour, eggs and milk together to make a batter. Sara and Miss Bailey then cooked the pancakes, and we all got to choose sugar and/or lemon for our topping. The most exciting part was tasting the pancakes! We all thought they were delicious!

Stars of the Week!
Arabella and Nika!

Well done to Arabella and Nika who created some very imaginative writing when designing their own dragons! They both also worked hard in the workshop, following instructions to make a dragon puppet. Well done both of you!

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