Spring 1, Week 1!


Oro and Seanna-Mae!

Well done to both girls who have had a great first week back at school, remembering our class rules and trying really hard in their learning.

Great job both of you!

This week we read the book ‘It’s Okay to be Different’ by Todd Parr. We talked about how we are all different, but we are all special!

The children created their own self portraits, in the style of the Todd Parr illustrations from the book!

Next week’s learning:

PHONICS: ai, ee, igh, oa

ENGLISH: Independent application of phonics/simple sentence writing

MATHS: Comparing amounts





Autumn 2, Week 7!

Reception have had another exciting week, full of fun and festivities!

Last Friday, the school were lucky enough to get a surprise visit from Father Christmas (as well as the Grinch)! We visited his grotto, and enjoyed telling him what we would like for Christmas – as well as help him keep the Grinch away!


This week the children also enjoyed a Christmas lunch, complete with crackers, party hats and Christmas music!


Well done, Reception, for completing your first full term of school! You have all grown in confidence, made new friends, and made progress in your learning. It has be great to watch, and Miss Bailey, Sara and Miss Bowen are very proud of you all!

To all of the Reception families, we thank you for your continued support this term, and wish you all a very merry Christmas, and a happy and healthy 2025!

Autumn 2, Week 6!


All of Reception!

All the children are Stars of the Week this week, as they performed The Nativity so brilliantly! They have worked so hard over the past few weeks, learning their lines and the songs, thinking about how to say their lines clearly, and knowing when it is their turn to speak. All of their hard work paid off, and Miss Bailey and Sara are so proud of them all.

Well done Reception – you are all superstars!




Thank you to everyone who attended our Christmas Stay and Play session, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we all did!

Autumn 2, Week 5!


Zofia and Lorenzo!

Well done to both of you for learning all of your lines for the Nativity, and using a lovely, clear voice when saying them!

You are both superstars!

Well done to all of Reception for a fantastic Cathedral Service. We were so proud of how confident you were, performing in front of such a big audience, and your singing was beautiful! The class were also super sensible walking to and from the Cathedral too. Reception – you should all be super proud of yourselves!

It has also been a busy week rehearsing for our Nativity. We look forward to seeing you all there next week!



Next week is our Nativity performance and Stay and Play session. Please ensure you have completed and returned the online response form that was attached in the email sent on the week of 18th November. All information regarding Christmas arrangements for the next two weeks can be found in this email.


Autumn 2, Week 4!


Georgia and Leonardo

Well done both children who were able to name London landmarks and describe them!

This week we talked about words to describe the different landmarks we know. The children used great describing words:

“The Shard is tall and pointy.”

“Big Ben is very tall.”

“London buses are red.”

“The London Eye is round.”


Next week we will be practicing our Nativity play and our song for the Cathedral.


We will be practicing our oral blending skills.


We will be writing for a purpose – writing Christmas cards.


The children will be focusing on practical addition and number formation.

Autumn 2, Week 3!


Billie and Pharaoh

Well done to both children who were full of enthusiasm for Spanish Day! They enjoyed taking part in all of the activities, especially the flamenco dancing workshop!

Great work, Billie and Pharaoh!

Reception had a great time last Friday, taking part in Spanish Day! They learnt some Spanish words, enjoyed listening to some stories read in Spanish, and took part in a flamenco dancing workshop!

Miss Bailey and Sara have been so impressed with everyone trying their best this week, showing us what they have learnt so far this year in Reading, Writing and Maths. Well done to you all!


Next week:

Phonics: We will continue to consolidate our blending and segmenting, reading and spelling skills.

Writing: We will continue to apply our blending and segmenting skills to support our writing, as well as begin to look at simple sentence structure, using capital letters, finger spaces, and full stops.

Maths: We will be looking at one more and one less on a number line, as well as simple addition number sentences and the symbols ‘+’ and ‘=’.

Autumn 2, Week 2!


Eliza and Iker!

Well done to both children, who each produced a great list of London Landmarks. They both applied their phonic knowledge independently to their writing, thinking about all the sounds they could hear, as well as demonstrating their confidence in segmenting and blending, when writing cvc words.

Great work both of you!


This week we read ‘In the City’ by Dominika Lipniewska. We talked about how we live in the city of London, and things we see around our city. We talked about the differences between the city and countryside, as well as learning about famous London Landmarks.


We thought about the question: “What might we see in London?”

These were some of the children’s ideas:

“The London Eye.”

“The Shard.”

“Big Ben.”

“Cranes and construction sites.”

“Lots of cars and trucks.”

“Sky scrapers.”


We wrote lists of what we find in our city:


Next week we will be implementing all the skills we have learnt so far in Phonics, Writing and Maths!

Autumn 2, Week 1!


Kadija and Caragh

Kadija and Caragh both enjoyed creating amazing firework pictures this week! They both demonstrated great fine motor skills, using lolly sticks and paint to print their firework design. They were able to talk about what they wanted their picture to look like, and chose from a range of glitter and sparkles to create their own unique picture!

Well done both of you!


As part of our ‘Celebrations’ topic we learnt about Bonfire Night. We looked at different types of fireworks, and then created our own!




The sounds we will be learning are: V, W, X. Y.



In Maths we will be focusing on one more and one less of any given number to 10.

Autumn 1, Week 8!


Omowonuola and Mia!

Well done to Omowonuola and Mia for creating fantastic self portraits this week! Both girls were able to listen to the instructions, and use the paints and brushes carefully, to paint themselves!

Well done both of you!


This week the children enjoyed looking in mirrors and discussing their features. We talked about the colour of our hair, skin and eyes, and chose paints to create our self portraits! We talked about how we all look different, but we are all special!


Miss Bailey, Sara and Miss Bowen are so impressed with the progress all the children have made during their first term in Reception! Reception, you should all be very proud of yourselves!

We hope you all have a restful half term!