Spring 1, Week 4

Stars of the week: Liv and Amelia

These girls are our stars for their efforts to dress independently for our PE lesson. Well done girls!

Next week in Literacy our traditional tale will be The Gingerbread Man.

We’ll look at compound words, like gingerbread. Children will be taught about how compound words are words that are made up of other words, but have their own individual meaning.

For example: sunset, cowboy, pancake, daylight.

You can support this learning at home by noting any compound words you use in daily life and highlighting the different words that make up the compound word. For example if you eat pancakes or blueberries at home, make sure to discuss the compound words and their composition.

In school, the children will sort words as to whether they are compound words or not.

In Mathematics we’ll look at weight. We’ll use scales and weigh classroom items, whilst discussing which items are heavier and which are lighter.  Whilst cooking or baking at home, include your children whenever you weigh any ingredient. Let them help you!

As Chinese New Year is on Saturday 10th February, we’ll learn about the animals of the zodiac and make our own dragons.


Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Hardy

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