Thank you to all the parents who came to the Coffee Morning on Friday. It was a great session and parents found it a great opportunity to share ideas. They worked together in an interactive session on the theme “Helping your child learn at home” with Dr Emua Ali, a parenting support specialist. The session ended with coffee and biscuits and a further opportunity to talk.
Here is some of the feedback from parents who attended:
“Thanks for a great workshop. It was very thought provoking and will help us create a better learning environment at home.”
“It was nice to talk to parents that we haven’t spoken to before.”
“I learned a whole lot of new things from other parents and improved my attitude to teaching my children and helping them to gain more.”
“Very informative, encouraging and supportive. It was great learning and gaining from other peoples views.”
We would like to run some more of these sessions so do let us know if you are interested in attending and which topics you would like to discuss, either via the school office or leave a comment on this blog.