Last week Cathedral School hosted a showcasing event to share best practice in RE and collective worship. A number of Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers from the Diocese of Southwark spent the morning with Mrs Scott and Miss Scade finding out about how we plan collective worship, teach and assess in RE and ensure Cathedral School’s ethos is distinctly Christian.
Here are some comments from our visitors:
“Thank you very much for welcoming us all and for your hospitality. It has been a really valuable and worthwhile experience for all of the visiting schools”
“It was so useful to see the way RE, collective worship and Christian distinctiveness runs through everything you do at Cathedral School”
“When I get back to my school I am going to feedback to governors on this visit. As a result I would like to increase pupil involvement in collective worship and develop responsive marking in RE – I was very impressed with the standard of children’s work as well as the marking.”
“The displays were wonderful and I loved the assembly”
Claire Boag, Primary Advisor for the SDBE said, “Thank you for the showcasing morning – the exemplary standards and high expectations Cathedral School are inspiring!”