Class 3’s Candlemas Service

candlemasThis morning Class 3 led our Candlemas worship at Southwark Cathedral. They read a passage from the Bible which describes Simeon’s  role in the presentation of Jesus at the temple.  Next they reflected thoughtfully on the importance of light in our lives and how Jesus is the light of the world.

Finally Class 3 shared prayers with the congregation including:

Dear God,

Please help those who live their lives in darkness. Help them find happiness through your guiding light. I pray to you for my family who help me to shine brightly each day.


Everybody thought that Class 3 spoke with clear voices and wrote very mature reflections and prayers.

As well as parents, pupils, governors and staff, we were joined by Year 3 from neighbouring St. Josephs RC Primary School.

Thank you Class 3 and Father Bruce for a beautiful service.

Class 3’s Candlemas Service

0 thoughts on “Class 3’s Candlemas Service

  • I was so nervous! 
    I bet you everybody else was nervous in Class 3. Were you?
    But then I got the hang of it and was actually really impressed with myself for doing it and not being to scared to do it. Did you like it, we put a lot of effort into it? Well done the rest of class 3 and myself!


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