Last term we underwent an in-depth audit of the school’s management of health and safety, which was benchmarked against best practice set out by the Health and Safety Executive.
As a result the school’s management of health and safety has been recognised with a ‘School Safety Award’.
We are delighted to have received it as the safety of the children is of paramount importance to the life of the school.
There are a great many things we have to do receive an award like this and here are some of the things which are essential to the safe running of the school:
• Classrooms and corridors which are tidy and well-maintained.
• Consistent whole-school routines throughout the school day.
• Robust risk assessment system in place.
• An established timetable of regular checks of the premises.
We are never complacent, in any area of school, and especially where safety is concerned. So, if you have any suggestions for further improvement in this vein, please contact the school office.