Author: foguz

DT Week


This week is Design and Technology Week at Cathedral School. Each class will be spending the week designing, making and evaluating a product to be presented at an exhibition in the school hall on Monday.

What are you making? How can you make it even better? What materials are you using and why?

RE Showcasing Event

School LogoLast week Cathedral School hosted a showcasing event to share best practice in RE and collective worship. A number of Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers from the Diocese of Southwark spent the morning with Mrs Scott and Miss Scade finding out about how we plan collective worship, teach and assess in RE and ensure Cathedral School’s ethos is distinctly Christian.

Here are some comments from our visitors:

“Thank you very much for welcoming us all and for your hospitality. It has been a really valuable and worthwhile experience for all of the visiting schools”

“It was so useful to see the way RE, collective worship and Christian distinctiveness runs through everything you do at Cathedral School”

“When I get back to my school I am going to feedback to governors on this visit. As a result I would like to increase pupil involvement in collective worship and develop responsive marking in RE – I was very impressed with the standard of children’s work as well as the marking.”

“The displays were wonderful and I loved the assembly”

Claire Boag, Primary Advisor for the SDBE said, “Thank you for the showcasing morning – the exemplary standards and high expectations Cathedral School are inspiring!”

Caring Hands

handprintsThis morning, as part of collective worship, we thought about our hands and different things we can use them for. Here are few suggestions:

  • Give someone a hug (ask them first)
  • Help them up if they have fallen down
  • High 5 someone if they have produced some fantastic work
  • Show you understand with a thumbs up
  • Communicate – we have a sign language club

If you have other suggestions please comment on this page.

PE at lunchtime

We are very grateful to the Parent Forum who have raised money for PE provision in school.  Some of the money has been used to buy new equipment for children to use at lunchtime to develop and improve physical skills that the have been learning in PE lessons. These skills include balancing, skipping, catching, throwing accurately, choreographing dances and riding a 2 wheeler bike. The new exercise bikes are a fantastic way to develop stamina and provide an opportunity for aerobic exercise. The fold-away goal has been a big success and gives children the chance to practise shooting accurately  as well as working strategically as a team. Photos to follow

PE Praise

FeedbackWe always appreciate feedback from the school community and so were thrilled when a parent took time to visit the school office and feedback on a wonderful PE lesson her daughter had been part of. PE is a school priority this year and we are focusing on our PE provision during lessons, in the playground at lunchtimes and after school. In this particular lesson Year 1 collaborated with Year 6 to choreograph and perform a dance.

What has been your favourite PE lesson this school year?

Shell Science Workshop



On Tuesday 8th October a representative from Shell plc visited Cathedral School to conduct investigative science activities with the pupils. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 donned their safety goggles and investigated the Vitamin C levels in different citrus fruit. The pupils in year 4 investigated friction by designing their own elastic band powered rollers. Everyone had so much fun learning about science that the lady from Shell agreed to return to school in a fortnight to teach the children in Years 2 and 3.


Choir Performance

On Tuesday the choir were asked to  perform at a memorial service for Sir David Hart OBE, who was the General Secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers. Maxine Briggs from the NAHT send the following message,

“Thank you so very much for attending the memorial service with your wonderful choir.  What lovely children, they really are something to be proud of, and not only did they sing like angels which made me cry (!) but they sat so still and were very well behaved for the entire service, all your hard work clearly pays off. Please thank the parent helpers from us and most importantly say a special thank you to those lovely children!  I have received a lot of compliments about the choir.”