Autumn 2, Week 2!

This half term our topic is ‘Traditional Tales’. The children have enjoyed being introduced to ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, and taking part in activities linked with the topic.

Our role play area is currently the three bear’s cottage. The children have enjoyed wearing masks and using props to act out the story!

Our book corner is full of traditional tales, as well as pops and puppets for the children to act out the different stories. So far, favourites have included ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’!

We enjoyed making The Three Bear’s porridge in the water tray, as well as acting out our own traditional tales in the small world provision!

Caragh and Leo
Both children have enjoyed our new topic, and Miss Bailey has been impressed with their enthusiasm this week. Leo has been able to narrate his own dragon stories in our small world provision, using the props and resources available. Caragh has enjoyed explaining and demonstrating how to make porridge in the water tray, as well as making a Goldilocks stick puppet independently in our workshop.
Well done you two!

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