Summer 1, Week 3!

This week we have been learning about the King’s Coronation.

We made cards that we are going to send to the King at Buckingham Palace!

We also had a tea party to celebrate the Coronation! We made our cucumber sandwiches, cut the strawberries and also had a delicious donut! It was great fun!

Ella and Lilian
Ella and Lilian have both enjoyed spending time in our Reading Garden this week. They were both able to use the pictures to talk about what was happening, discuss their favourite parts of the story, and apply their phonic knowledge to look for sounds they know!
Well done both of you!

Summer 1, Week 2!

In Nursery we have a friend called Sound Spider. Sound Spider only talks in sounds – so we have to help him blend together the sounds he says, to make a word.

This week we have helped Sound Spider blend sounds together to make lots of CVC (consonant, vowel, consanant) words. It is a fun game and also helps us develop our blending and segmenting skills – a crucial part of early reading and writing development.

Tiwa and Liv

Miss Bailey was so impressed with Tiwa and Liv’s phonic knowledge – and the way they could independently apply this during our Phonics focus group session this week.
Well done to both of you!

Spring 2, Week 6!

This week we enjoyed inviting our families into Nursery to join our Easter Stay & Play! Thank you to all the adults who joined in with our Easter craft activities!

We were also lucky to have a visit from the author Ross Montgomery, who wrote one of our favourite stories ‘Ten Delicious Teachers’. He read us one of his other book ‘Penguin Huddle’, and it was so exciting to be read the story by the author who wrote the book!

All of Nursery!
Everyone has had another great term, and Miss Bailey and Sara are really proud of everyone’s progress!

Spring 2, Week 5!

This week we have been thinking about why we celebrate Easter, and that Jesus died on the cross, but rose again.

Because Easter is such a special time for Christians, we wanted to celebrate the occasion by making ‘Positive Pebbles’ and leaving them around school and the local community.

In Nursery we painted our pebbles in bright colours, and Sara helped us write a positive word on them such as ‘Love’, ‘Joy’ and ‘Peace’. We then placed some around school and in Red Cross Gardens for the school and local community to find! We hope that finding a beautifully decorated pebble with a wonderful, positive message on it will make someone’s day!

Please see the photos of our class making the pebbles and placing them around the local area…

Jack and Joseph
We have been so impressed with Jack and Joseph in Phonics this week. Both boys have made lots of progress with recognising their sounds and applying their phonic knowledge to their writing since September!
Well done both of you!

Spring 2, Week 4!

This week we have been reviewing what we have learnt so far in Nursery. Miss Bailey and Sara have been so impressed with our Phonics, Writing and Maths work!

Meadow and Nyra
Well done to Meadow and Nyra who tried really hard with their learning this week. It was great to see both girls put in their best effort to show us what they know!
Great work girls!

Spring 2, Week 3!

This week we were very lucky to have a visit from ‘Animal Life’, which linked perfectly to our ‘Amazing Animals!’ topic this half tem!

Animal Life brought in a range of animals for us to look at, stroke, and even hold if we wanted to! We saw a snake, a tarantula, a Fennec Fox and an owl.

We expected the snake to feel wet and slimy, so we were very surprised to discover that it felt very dry! We learnt that the Fennec Fox has huge ear to listen out for prey, and also to keep cool! And it was amazing to learn that the owl we met was not nocturnal, and in fact is awake during the daytime!

All of Nursery!

All of the children were super stars during the Animal Life visit. They made sure they sat beautifully and listened carefully. They remembered to stay quiet so as not to scare the animals, and they were all brave in stroking or holding the animals.
Well done everyone!

Finally, please see some brilliant pictures below from World Book Week:

Spring 2, Week 2!

This week was World Book Week, and in Nursery we focused on a book called ‘Ten Delicious Teachers’ by Ross Montgomery!

This monster themed story inspired us to get creative and design and make our own monsters! We also enjoyed lots of monster themed activities around the classroom, and of course dressing up as book characters on Friday!
All of the children have thoroughly enjoyed the week, and there will be lots of photos to follow next week!

Julie-Maria and Lilian

Both girls are always eager to participate in our Phonics activities each morning. They always try their best, and we have been so impressed with them applying their phonic knowledge to their learning independently this week!
Great work both of you!

Spring 2. Week 1!

On Tuesday it was Pancake Day! We learnt about what Shrove Tuesday means, and made pancakes in our classroom!

We helped to make the batter using flour, eggs and milk. We all took turns adding the ingredients to the bowl and giving it a good stir!

We chose to have our pancakes with either sugar or lemon, or plain, and they tasted delicious!

It was a lovely afternoon!

Liv and Nina
Well done to both girls, who were able to talk articulately about their own experiences of Pancake Day!

Spring 1, Week 6!

On Tuesday it was ‘Safer Internet Day 2023’.

In Nursery we read an online story called ‘Hanni and the Magic Window’, which teaches us about asking for help if we need it.
In the story, Hanni sees lots of exciting things through the magic window. We thought of things we might see and came up with some wonderful ideas including lots of different animals, mermaids and family members who live far away!

Take a look at our paintings of what we would like to see through a magic window!

All of Nursery!
Well done for another terrific half term in Nursery! Everyone should be proud of the progress they have made this half term with their learning!
You are all super stars!

Spring 1, Week 5!

This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year, and the celebrations that take place!

We learnt that Chinese people spring clean their houses and gardens to sweep away any bad luck!

Houses are decorated with paper lanterns, and families gather together to celebrate!

The dragon is one of the animals of the Zodiac, and represents good luck, strength and health.

We made our own paper lanterns and dragon puppets. Making these was a good way to practice using our fine motor skills, as we used scissors to cut our decorations, and carefully glued and taped them into place!

Once we had made our dragons, we enjoyed dancing and moving around, as if we were dragons!

Tiwa and Jack!
Well done to Tiwa and Jack, who really enjoyed making our Chinese New Year lanterns and dragon puppets! Both children put in lots of effort to create fantastic art work!
Great work both of you!