Summer 1, Week 5 – Can you guess what’s growing inside our eggs?

Stars of the week: Alexander and Alberto
Alberto and Alexander have been very excited about the hatching of an animal in Nursery. They made some great predictions about what might hatch, and have been making sure that the eggs are being looked after in the incubator. Well done!

On Monday a visitor bought in an incubator. Nursery learnt what an incubator does – it helps to keep eggs warm, and helps them to hatch! We all made a prediction about what might hatch from the eggs.

We have been patiently waiting and at the time of posting this blog, there are cracks in 3 of our eggs, but nothing has emerged just yet! You will have to check back next week to see what hatches from the eggs!

Next Week: We will be caring for the animals that hatch, and thinking about how we look after them. In Phonics we will be learning about the letter ‘f’ and also be learning about rhyme. This is perfect timing because next week is Poetry Week at Cathedral School, and on Friday we will be meeting the poet Neal Zetter. An exciting week ahead!

Summer 1, Week 4 – Colourful creations

Stars of the week: Thomas and Elowen
Well done to Thomas and Elowen who both showed fantastic understanding in RE this week. Thomas and Elowen were able to talk about a range of God’s creations that Christians believe he created when making the world. Here are some of Nursery’s colourful pictures of God’s creations.

For the past 2 weeks, we have been learning about Dinosaurs – a topic that many of us love! Here are some of the activities that we have been enjoying.

Summer 1, Week 2 – Creation, Caring, Caterpillar Crawling and Climbing Challenges!

Stars of the week: Avani and James
Well Done to Avani and James this week who were fantastic at using our new climbing equipment. They enjoyed the challenge of climbing and maneuvering over and along the equipment. Well Done!

This week Nursery have been very busy!
In RE we revisited the Creation story, matching puzzle pieces and talking about the different things that Christians believe God created. Here are some pictures of us completing our puzzle.

We also showed our caring side this week, taking care of the baby dolls outside. We made sure that they were dressed properly and we then carefully practiced pushing the buggies around.

Some of the most exciting news this week was the arrival of some wonderful new equipment. We got a new caterpillar tunnel that we have enjoyed crawling through. We also got some fantastic new climbing equipment. We have been practicing climbing safely, and making sure that we are not rushing. We have also practiced our balancing, moving along the beams.

Next week: In Phonics we will be learning about the letter ‘h’. For the next 2 weeks, our focus will be on Dinosaurs! ROOOOOOAAAAAR!

Summer 1, Week 1 – Being Kind

Welcome back Nursery! We can’t believe that it is summer term already! Don’t forget as the weather gets warmer and we spend more time outside to bring a hat and sunscreen (for you to put on) and a water bottle filled with fresh water each day.

Stars of the Week: Ava and Toby
Well Done to Ava and Toby who this week showed that they are invisible kindness bucket fillers! They not only thought about all the different ways we could show kindness, but they also made sure that they were being kind all week – asking people to play with them, taking turns and helping.

In RE this week we thought about the school value of Kindness which is a Fruit of Friendship with God. We read ‘Bear feels kind’. In the story Bear shows kindness to his friends, his family and even people he doesn’t know. We also found out that everyone has an invisible kindness bucket – which fills up each time someone is kind to us. When it is full, we are happy. When it is empty, we are sad. Nursery thought about ways in which we could help fill someone’s kindness bucket!

Next week: In Phonics we will learn about the letter ‘r’. In Maths we will continue learning about addition, by counting two groups to find the total. In English we will be learning a poem about oviparous animals, which we are excited to share with you next week!

Spring 2, Week 6 – Easter Egg-stravaganza

Stars of the week: All of Nursery!

This week in Nursery we have been enjoying lots of Easter themed provision, thinking about the symbols of Easter such as the cross, eggs and rabbits. Here are some pictures of us enjoying our Easter learning.

Children will receive their books for the holidays as well as a Phase 2 Phonics Workbook to complete throughout the holidays if you would like to. You are still able to access any resources we shared with you during Home Learning via our Home Learning site, as well as the Espresso Phonics videos.

We hope that you all Nursery families have a safe and restful break over the holidays.

What are we learning next?: In Phonics we will be learning about the letter u and the sound it makes. We will be starting our topic ‘What’s inside this egg?’, thinking about the different animals that hatch from eggs. In RE we will be thinking more about the Creation story and God’s Wonderful World.

Spring 2, Week 5 – Sound Shark

Stars of the Week: Amelia and Theodore

Amelia and Theodore were super starts this week. When completing our blending and segmenting activity with Sound Shark, they were able to listen carefully to the sounds that he said, and then blend them altogether to figure out the word. This is a tricky skill to master but Amelia and Theodore have done a brilliant job! Well Done!

It was another busy week this week in Nursery with lots of measuring happening in Maths, and using the correct vocabulary like longer, shorter, taller and tallest.

In Phonics and English this week, we have been using Sound Shark to help us with our blending and segmenting. Sound Shark only speaks in sounds – he doesn’t say whole words, so we have to blend the sounds that he says together to help us figure out which word he says. For example, instead of saying ‘cat’ he would say c/a/t. And he would not say ‘box’ he would say b/o/x. We are always practicing our oral blending and segmenting in Nursery as it is an important step on our Reading journey.
Here are some pictures of us working with Sound Shark.

Next Week: In our last week of Spring Term we will be having an Easter Egg…stravaganza! In RE we will continue to look at the Easter Story and thinking about the symbols of Easter. Our literacy and maths, will also be Easter themed, going on an egg hunt and Easter crafting. Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell will be meeting with parents over the phone for Parent’s Evening on Wednesday.

Spring 2, Week 4 – Learning about Easter.

Stars of the Week: Micah and James
This week we have been showing Miss Bailey, Miss Godsell and Debbie all of our wonderful learning. James and Micah have been working so hard in their learning at school and at home, that they know most of their letter sounds that we have been learning. Even more impressively, they are beginning to apply them in the writing! Well done both of you!

This week in Nursery we have been thinking about the Easter story. We learned that there are happy and sad parts of the Easter story, like when Jesus arrived on a donkey and the people were waving their palm leaves, and when Jesus died. We shared what we know about Easter. Some of the things we know are that around Easter there are lots of new animals born, like chicks and lambs. We also know that flowers and trees start to blossom again, and there is new life all around. We also know that the Easter Bunny might bring us chocolate!

Next week: In Phonics, we will be learning about the letter ‘e’. In English we will continue to practice blending and segmenting. In Maths, we will be exploring measurement and making sure that we are using the correct vocabulary.

Spring 2, Week 3 – Back at School!

Stars of the Week: ALL OF NURSERY!
Well done to everyone in Nursery – you are all superstars! Not only did you enthusiastically join in with our home learning over the past few months, but you have all come back to school enthusiastic and eager to learn!

It had been a long time since we had all been in our classroom together, but this week Nursery class has been a hive of activity.
We have enjoyed being back with our friends, and exploring our classroom again. We have been lucky enough to get some new outdoor equipment – new bikes, scooters, trampolines and hoppers. Our role play area has been transformed into a Construction Site!

This week in RE we have been learning about one of our school values – a fruit of the spirit – Gentleness. We thought of the ways that we use our hands in kind and gentle ways.
– Kind hands share.
– Gentle hands give hugs.
We also practiced being gentle with the water balloons – we had to throw some balloons so that they popped and throw some gently. It was lots of fun! Here are some pictures of us being gentle (and not so gentle!) with the water balloons.

Next week: In Phonics, we are going to be learning about the ‘ck’ sound, as well as continuing to practice blending and segmenting. In Maths we are revisiting 2D shapes. In RE, we are beginning to learn about the Easter story and why it is important to Christians.

Home Learning Link

Hello Nursery,

We hope that you all had a lovely break and are ready for some more learning. Our learning will be a little different to start Spring term as you will be at home, rather than us all being together at school.

You can find our daily learning here:

When you do the activities you can send them to us via EvidenceMe, or your grown-ups can email them to us.
Miss Bailey:

Miss Godsell:

Grown-Ups – if you need to contact us, please do so via the emails above.

Stay safe Nursery, we will see you soon!