Autumn 2 Week 5 – Learning about Christmas

Stars of the Week: Joseph & Mila

This week we have started to think about Christmas. After listening to the Christmas story we spent time talking about what we know about the story and also who some of the people in the story are. Mila and Joseph thought very carefully about the characters in the Christmas story, remembering important people such as Mary, Joseph and the wise men.

We learned that the Christmas story takes place in Bethlehem. Throughout the week we worked alongside Reception to create a hall display board inspired by the carol ‘O Little Town Of Bethlehem’. We will post a picture of the display on Friday!

Next week: Our focus in phonics will be the letter ‘n’. In Maths we will be exploring how to weigh objects and using words such as ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’. We will also continue our learning about Christmas, focusing on learning our words for the Nativity performance on Wednesday 11th December.

Autumn 2 Week 4 – World Nursery Rhyme Week

Stars of the Week: All of Nursery

This week we have been participating (along with over 1 million other children around the world) in World Nursery Rhyme Week! Throughout the week we have been singing lots of Nursery Rhymes (not just those that were chosen). Everyone in Nursery has made sure that they have been joining in, using their singing voices and following along with actions.

Over the week we sang a different nursery rhyme every day. We also completed an activity based on the nursery rhyme
The Nursery Rhymes that we focused on were:
Monday : Baa Baa Black Sheep – we painted sheep in our favourite colours.
Tuesday: Down in the Jungle – we thought about the animals you might find in the jungle and the noises that they make.
Wednesday: Incy Wincy Spider – we ordered some spiders by size, and practiced using measuring language.
Thursday: Row , Row, Row Your Boat – we worked together to make a tinfoil boat. Then we counted how many cubes it would take to sink it!
Friday: Two Little Dickie Birds – we learnt all about number 2 and things that come in pairs, like gloves, socks and shoes!

We all had a wonderful week. We will put photos of the display we made through the week up soon!

Next week: We will be practicing our writing and counting skills as it is assessment week. We will also be practicing our Christmas song that we will be performing in the Cathedral in just 2 weeks, as well as beginning to learn our Nativity songs!

Autumn 2 Week 3 – Dia español (Spanish Day)

Stars of the Week: Cecily and Reggie

Well done to Cecily and Reggie who, during Spanish Day, listened carefully to how to say words like hello and thank you in Spanish. They kept practicing saying them all day! Muy bien!

In Nursery we had a wonderful time celebrating Spanish day! We learnt how to say hello “Hola!” and thank you “Gracias!”.

We practiced singing Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes in Spanish too. Can you see what action we might be doing in the pictures below?

We also heard a Spanish story and ate Spanish food for lunch!

Here are some photos of us enjoying Spanish day!

Next week in Nursery: We will be taking part with lots of other children around the world in World Nursery Rhyme Week! We are looking forward to singing lots of different nursery rhymes. Our focus in phonics is ‘i’.

Autumn 2 – Week 2

Pop! Bang! Whizz! Firework fun!

This week in Nursery, we have been learning about Bonfire Night. We talked about how fireworks look in the sky, and the colours they make! We also thought carefully about the noises made by fireworks, such as bang!, boom! and fizz!

We made our own firework pictures, by drizzling glue over black card, and sprinkling neon sand over the top! Take a look at our fabulous firework pictures below!

A leaf man’s got to go where the wind blows!

We continued to think about the changes that happen in Autumn this week. After reading Leaf Man, we talked about the different places he could blow to, and what he might see. We made our own leaf men with the leaves we collected from the playground!

Stars of the Week – Paraskevi and Adeel!

Well done to Paraskevi and Adeel, who worked hard to make their leaf men. They talked about where he might blow to and what he might see. Great effort, Paraskevi and Adeel!


Next week in Nursery…

In Phonics we will be learning the sound ‘p’. We will also be listening for the initial sounds in words starting with s, a and t. In Maths we will be ordering numbers up to 10. In addition we will be learning about Remembrance Day and thinking about how we celebrate Birthdays. Also in another busy week we will also be joining the rest of the school to celebrate Spanish Day on Thursday (Parents will have received a separate email with details).




Autumn 2 Week 1 – Autumn Leaves are falling down!

Stars of the Week: Astrid & Nathan

This week in Nursery we have been thinking about Autumn and seeing the changes that have been happening. Astrid and Nathan were able to talk about the changes that they have seen such as the leaves changing colour and then falling off the trees. Great observations!

After reading the book ‘We’re Going On A Leaf Hunt’, we went on an Autumn walk to spot the different signs of Autumn. Whilst we were walking we found that it was quite windy and a bit colder than it has been before. We picked up all different coloured and different shaped leaves that had fallen from the trees.

In English we looked at a picture of an autumn scene and spoke about all the things that we could see, and also began to learn a song about Autumn leaves.

Next Week: We will continue our learning about Autumn, as well as look at Bonfire Night and thinking about the things we might see and hear. In Phonics, we will be learning all about the ‘t’ sound.

Autumn 1 – Week 7

Old MacDonald Had A Farm – DT Week in Nursery!

In Nursery we used our Phase 1 Phonics learning about Environmental Sounds and the nursery rhyme ‘Old MacDonald Had A Farm’ to inspire us to make farm animals.

We used paper plates that we painted, as well as card to add the head and legs to our animals. We put the head on a split pin to make sure that our animals had movement!


Stars of the Week – Menata and Leonardo

Well done to Menata and Leo, who both did a great job painting their animals, talking about the colours they would need to use. They were also able to talk about how their animals were made, and what they liked best about them. Well done Menata and Leo!

After the half term break we will be learning:About the ‘a’ sound, and we will be thinking about Autumn and the changes in the seasons

Autumn 1 Week 6 – Being Good Friends in Nursery

Stars of the Week: Jasper & Kourtney

Over the last 2 weeks we have been thinking about how to be good friends in Nursery. Jasper and Kourtney both contributed fantastic ideas to our discussion, showing they know how to be good friends.

We shared all our ideas of how to be good friends and then put them on our Class Charter.

We know that in Nursery we are good friends. We make sure that we share together and we listen to the teachers and each other. We use our manners all the time and make sure we say please and thank you. We use our hands kindly, making sure we don’t hurt others. We also make sure that everyone is safe by keeping our classroom tidy. We also all agreed that we ‘just keep swimming’ even when we find things tricky – we have a go and try our best!

Here is a photo of our class charter. We all helped to make it, working as a team.

Next week we will be learning:
In Phonics we will be learning the ’s’ sound. We will also be thinking about the things we can do that make us special

Autumn 1 Week 5 – Introducing Beat Baby!

Stars of the Week: Kayleigh & Ari
Well done Kayleigh and Ari! During out Beat Baby sessions you showed great enthusiasm and were able to keep the rhythm.

This week as part of Phonics we met Beat Baby.

Beat Baby lives in Nursery and comes out to help us with phonics. Beat Baby is very shy so we have to sing a song to call him out. We have been using our names to learn about rhythm and rhyme. Rhyme and rhythm are important because they help to break words into sounds which helps us start to hear the phonemes.

A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound. For example, cat has the three phonemes: /c/ /a/ and /t/. Beginning to hear those sounds is part of early phonics learning.

Our Learning Next Week: We will be exploring environmental sounds and continuing to practise our counting rhymes.

Super strong fingers!

Developing the children’s fine motor skills is an important and essential part of the Early Years curriculum. The children take part in fine motor skills daily, within the Nursery classroom.

This week we have been using tweezers to sort pom-poms into colour groups, as well as threading beads!