Spring 1, Week 4!

Everyone has worked hard this week, as we have looked back at everything we have learnt so far in Phonics, Writing and Maths!

Well done to all of the children for trying their very best!

Jack and Tiwa!
Thank you so much to Jack and Tiwa for being so helpful around the classroom this week – tidying up superbly, and being kind friends to everyone!
Well done to both of you!

Spring 1, Week 3!

This week we have continued to learn about real life superheroes, specifically firefighters!
We used our phonic knowledge to label a picture of a firefighter, thinking carefully about the sounds we could hear!

In RE this week, we listened to the story of The Good Samaritan, learning about what he did and why it was kind. We thought about how we can be kind at school, just like The Good Samaritan. The children came up with some great ideas, including:

“I help everyone.”
“I be kind to my friends.”
“I share everything.”
“I look after my friends.”

Meadow and Joseph
Well done to Meadow and Joseph who both enjoyed listening to the story of the Good Samaritan and were able to talk about it independently, thinking about how they can be kind at school, just like him!

Spring 1, Week 2!

This week the children have been introduced to this half term’s topic, ‘Real Life Superheroes’.
Together we talked about the different people within our community who help us, and we wrote a list of them, including fire fighters, vets, dentists and librarians.

The children painted pictures of people who help us, and they are now displayed in our role play area, which is a doctor’s surgery for this half term.

Take a look at our fantastic paintings – can you guess which real life superheroes each painting is of?!

Nyra and Ella

Well done to Nyra and Ella who have settled straight back into school, remembering all the routines and class rules, and always trying their best!
Great job you two!

Autumn 2, Week 7!

We have enjoyed a festive final week of the Autumn term in Nursery!

It has been another busy week, we enjoyed our Christmas party and Christmas lunch!

Miss Bailey and Sara are so proud of how brilliantly the children performed during the Nativity performance this week. They all sang fantastically, remembering all the actions too!
A link will be available soon for you to view the performance!

Thank you to all the adults who attended our Christmas Stay & Play! It was a pleasure to invite you all into our classroom, and the children thoroughly enjoyed having you all there to join in with the Christmas craft activities!

Well done to all the children as they come to the end of their first full term in Nursery!
They have all had a fabulous first term, and we wish all our families a restful break and a happy Christmas!

Autumn 2, Week 6!

It has been another very busy week in Nursery!

We have enjoyed getting into the Christmas spirit, spending time writing Christmas cards in our Santa’s workshop role play area, as well as getting creative making Christmas decorations!

All of Nursery!

Miss Bailey and Sara were so proud of all of the children at the Cathedral Service. They were so impressed with how sensibly they walked to the Cathedral, and thought they were amazing during their performance – singing beautifully and remembering all the actions!

Well done to all of you!

Autumn 2, Week 5!

This week we have been learning the names of 2D shapes, and looking for them in both our inside and outside classrooms!

We chose 2 shapes each to make shape snowmen, which will form a wonderful wintery display in our classroom!

Our Christmas display board that we worked so hard on last week, is also now up in the school hall!

Julie-Maria & Nina!

Well done to both girls, who enjoyed creating shape snowmen, and were keen to find shapes around the classroom!
You are both superstars!

Autumn 2, Week 4!

This week we have been learning about the Nativity story. We read the story and talked about what happened and why Christmas is such a special time for Christians.

We then used what we had learnt to create some fantastic art work which will be part of a joint Christmas display board with Reception and Year 1!

Our job in Nursery was to create Mary, baby Jesus in the manger, and the stars. We used a selection of materials including paint, coloured paper and glitter. This activity was great for our fine motor skills, as it included cutting, gluing, sprinkling glitter and using paintbrushes and sponges to create our desired effect.

Here are some pictures of us creating our artwork…

A photo of the finished display board is to follow!

All of Nursery!

Well done to everyone for putting in such a great effort to create some wonderful pieces for our Christmas display board!

Autumn 2, Week 3!

This week is World Nursery Rhyme Week!

We have enjoyed singing lots of Nursery Rhymes, and engaging in Nursery Rhyme activities!

Each day, we have had a different Nursery Rhyme that we have focussed on, including Miss Polly Had A Dolly, 5 Little Speckled Frogs and Hickory Dickory Dock!

We thought about how to care for a poorly baby, and wrote a prescription to Polly from the Doctor. The children were encouraged to hear the initial sounds in the words they were writing, and to find the corresponding letter on the letter mat!

In Maths, we counted out the 5 speckled frogs, and ordered them according to size. We thought about the mathematical vocabulary we could use when ordering them including ‘biggest’ and ‘smallest’.

We also enjoyed acting out 5 Little Speckled Frogs in the water, making our own Old MacDonald scenes with the fuzzy felt shapes, and practicing our colouring skills!

Kiara and Jack!
Well done to Kiara and Jack, who have really enjoyed World Nursery Rhyme Week, joining in enthusiastically with the different songs and their actions!

Autumn 2, Week 2!

During this half term our topic is ‘Traditional Tales’. This week we read ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and discussed the characters, the setting, and the main elements of the story.

We then packed the basket that Little Red Riding Hood took to Grandma, and wrote a list of what we had included. Miss Bailey and Sara were impressed with our confident pencil grip and control, and our ability to ascribe meanings to our marks. We are also now beginning to listen carefully for the initial sound that we can hear in a word, and record it!

Meadow and Liv!

Our Stars of the Week are Meadow and Liv, who both enjoyed exploring the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ story this week, and could talk about the different features of the story.
Both girls could choose what to put in Grandma’s basket, and thought carefully about the sounds they could hear in each word!
Well done!